Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Hein Vorstand; Sprecher Bereichsvorstand Gesundheit

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Hein

Position im OFFIS

Vorstand; Sprecher Bereichsvorstand Gesundheit


Gesundheit, Produktion

Competence Cluster

Human Machine Cooperation (HMC)

Position an der Uni

Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg: Direktor Department für Versorgungsforschung; Professur "Assistenzsysteme und Medizintechnik"


Entwicklung von Assistenzsystemen für die Chirurgie.
Prävention und Rehabilitation im häuslichen Bereich.

+49 441 9722-701

+49 441 798-5824




von Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Hein


A Coarse-to-Fine Method for Data-Efficient Collaborative Place Recognition

Furuno, Eike and Hein, Andreas and Stratmann, Tim C. and Pfingsthorn, Max; 2024 9th International Conference on Control and Robotics Engineering (ICCRE); 2024

Evaluating the Viability of Neural Networks for Analysing Electromyography Data in Home Rehabilitation: Estimating Foot Progression Angle:

Siegel, Finn and Buj, Christian and Merfort, Ricarda and Hein, Andreas and Aschwege, Frerk; Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies; 2024

Humanoid patient robot for diagnostic training in medical and psychiatric education

Patricia Schwarz, Sandra Hellmers, Sebastian Spanknebel,Rene Hurlemann and Andreas Hein; Frontiers in Robotics and AI; October / 2024

Kriteriengeleitete Evaluation innovativer Pflegetechnologien in der Praxis

Kirsten Harms, Tobias Krahn, Fynn Bredehorn, Andreas Hein; GMDS 2024 - Abstractband; 09 / 2024

The Clinical Quality Language as a tool to support data analysis in German clinical cancer registries

Kolja Blohm and David Korfkamp and Joachim Hübner and Florian Oesterling and Stefanie Schulze and Andreas Hein; GMS Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie; 8 / 2024

Towards automated self-administered motor status assessment: Validation of a depth camera system for gait feature analysis

Pedro Arizpe-Gómez and Kirsten Harms and Kathrin Janitzky and Karsten Witt and Andreas Hein; Biomedical Signal Processing and Control; 2024


A Robotic System to Anchor a Patient in a Lateral Position and Reduce Nurses’ Physical Strain

Hinrichs, Pascal and Seibert, Kathrin and Arizpe Gómez, Pedro and Pfingsthorn, Max and Hein, Andreas; Robotics; 2023

Building a data warehouse for SQB reports for the epidemiologic cancer registry of Lower Saxony

David Korfkamp, Kolja Blohm, Christian Lüpkes, Andreas Hein; 68. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie e.V. (GMDS); 2023

Conception of a Humanoid-Robot-Patient in Education to Train and Practice

Patricia Schwarz and Andreas Hein; IEEE 2nd German Education Conference (GECon)2023; August / 2023

Conception of a Humanoid-Robot-Patient in Education to Train and Practice

Schwarz, Patricia and Hein, Andreas; IEEE 2nd German Education Conference (GECon)2023; August / 2023

Design von Datenmodellen für die kleinräumige Analyse der Ems-Dollart-Grenzregion in der Versorgungsforschung

Sebastian Specht, Andreas Hein, Christian Lüpkes, Mark Schweda; 68. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie e.V. (GMDS); 2023

Developing Advanced AI Ecosystems to Enhance Diagnosis and Care for Patients with Depression

Franziska Klein, Frerk Müller-Von Aschwege, Patrick Elfert, Julien Räker, Alexandra Philipsen, Niclas Braun, Benjamin Selaskowski, Annika Wiebe, Matthias Guth, Johannes Spallek, Sigrid Seuss, Benjamin Storey, Leo N. Geppert, Ingo Lück, Andreas Hein; Studies in Health Technology and Informatics; Oktober / 2023

Erste Ergebnisse der Interaktionsanalyse einer kollaborativen Pflegesituation zur Ableitung kommunikativer Anforderungen an assistive robotische Systeme

Kirsten Harms, Pascal Hinrichs, Kathrin Seibert, Dominik Domhoff, Karin Wolf-Ostermann, Andreas Hein; Zukunft der Pflege. Tagungsband der 6. Clusterkonferenz 2023; 2023

LivingSmart: Intelligente Auswerte- und Informationsmodule zur Notfallprädiktion und -prävention für hochaltrige Personen

Patrick Elfert and Marco Eichelberg and Andreas Hein; Personennahe Dienstleistungen der Zukunft; 2023

LivingSmart: Wohnquartiere neu gedacht – Service-gesteuert: lebensnah, integrativ, intelligent, innovativ

Cletus Brauer and Petra Dinkelacker and Marco Eichelberg and Patrick Elfert and Manuela Ferdinand and Andreas Hein and Alexandra Kolozis and Philipp Kullmann and Linda Reinicke and Carsten Schultz and Sophia Zwiener; Personennahe Dienstleistungen der Zukunft; 2023

Moralische Haltungen von Pflegefachpersonen und Pflegebedürftigen bei der Implementierung innovativer Technologien in der ambulanten Pflege

Ellerich-Groppe, Niklas; Krahn, Tobias; Schweda, Mark; Hein, Andreas; Mit Pflegeinnovationen die Zukunft gestalten – menschlich, professionell, digital.; 2023

Partizipative Technologieforschung und -entwicklung im Pflegeinnovationszentrum

Hein, Andreas; Boll, Susanne; Krahn, Tobias; Heuten, Wilko; Weiß, Sebastian; Hinrichs, Pascal; Domhoff, Dominik; Gockel, Julia; Matsuzaki, Hironori; Landherr, Jan; Westerholt, Stefan; Mit Pflegeinnovationen die Zukunft gestalten – menschlich, professionell, digital.; 2023

Potenziale entlastender Assistenzrobotik in der Pflege

Kowalski, Christian and Gliesche, Pascal and Agraz, Celia Nieto and Hein, Andreas; Pflegeinnovationen in der Praxis: Erfahrungen und Empfehlungen aus dem „Cluster Zukunft der Pflege``; 2023

Predicting Recovery from Coma After Cardiac Arrest Using Low-level Features from EEG Recordings and a Small-sized LSTM Network

Benjamin Cauchi, Marco Eichelberg and Andreas Hein; Computing in Cardiology; October / 2023

SePaMiM – an online tool for analyzing course-of-disease data in German cancer registries using CQL

Kolja Blohm, David Korfkamp, Christian Lüpkes, Andreas Hein; 68. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie e.V. (GMDS); 2023

Syntactic correction of social data for the evaluation of new treatment options

Klaas Dählmann and Timo Wolters and Christian Lüpkes and Andreas Hein; 68. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie e.V. (GMDS); 9 / 2023

Vorstudie: Subjektive Bewertung des Schutzes der Privatsphäre in einem Telepräsenzszenario mit dem humanoiden Roboter Ameca

Nieto Agraz, Celia and Hinrichs, Pascal and Eichelberg, Marco and Hein, Andreas; Zukunft der Pflege. Tagungsband der 6. Clusterkonferenz 2023; 2023

Zukunft der Pflege Tagungsband der 6. Clusterkonferenz 2023

Boll, Susanne and Hein, Andreas and Cobus, Vanessa and Hinrichs, Pascal and Kuntz, Simone and Schmeer, Regina and Walzer, Stefan and Wolf-Ostermann, Karin and Zerth, Jürgen ; 09 / 2023


A Cartography of the Effects of Disclosure Control on Small-scale Population Grids in the Context of Municipal Data Requirements in Northwest Germany.

Specht, Sebastian; 30th Annual Geographical Information Science Research UK (GISRUK), Liverpool, United Kingdom, 5th - 8th April 2022; 2022

A Novel Digital Nutrition Diary for Geriatric Patients at High Risk of Frailty Syndrome

Elfert, Patrick and Berndt, Julia and Dierkes, Louisa and Eichelberg, Marco and Rösch, Norbert and Hein, Andreas and Diekmann, Rebecca; Nutrients; 2022

A rule-based robotic assistance system providing physical relief for nurses during repositioning tasks at the care bed

Kowalski, Christian and Brinkmann, Anna and Böhlen, Conrad Fifelski-von and Hinrichs, Pascal and Hein, Andreas; International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications; 2022

A Survey of Robotic Systems for Nursing Care

Celia Nieto Agraz, Max Pfingsthorn, Pascal Gliesche, Marco Eichelberg and Andreas Hein; Frontiers in Robotics and AI; April / 2022

An evolutionary approach to continuously estimate CPR quality parameters from a wrist-worn inertial sensor

Lins, Christian and Friedrich, Björn and Hein, Andreas and Fudickar, Sebastian; Health and Technology; 02 / 2022

Analyse erforderlicher Technikunterstützung und Handlungsbedarfe bei Arbeitsprozessen in der ambulanten Pflege

Kirsten Harms, Heike Thomsen, Ortrud Leßmann, Miriam Schwanholt, Tobias Krahn, Andreas Hein, Michael Bau ; Abstractband - 5. Clusterkonferenz "Zukunft der Pflege" ; 9 / 2022

Analytical Solutions for Two-Contact Whole-Arm Manipulation Inverse Kinematics for Manipulators with Link Offsets

Hinrichs, Pascal and Vu, Minh Tam and Pfingsthorn, Max and Kowalski, Christian and Hein, Andreas; 2022 Sixth IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing; 12 / 2022

Are vertical jumps able to predict 24-month follow-up functional geriatric assessment in a healthy community-dwelling older cohort?

Diekmann, Rebecca and Hellmers, Sandra and Lau, Sandra and Heinks, Andrea and Elgert, Lena and Bauer, Jürgen M. and Zieschang, Tania and Hein, Andreas; Aging Clinical and Experimental Research; 24 / 2022

Classification of body postures using smart workwear

Lins, Christian and Hein, Andreas; BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders; 23(921) / 2022

Comparison of a VR-based and a rule-based robot control method for assistance in a physical human-robot collaboration scenario

Kowalski, Christian and Brinkmann, Anna and Hellmers, Sandra and Fifelski-von Böhlen, Conrad and Hein, Andreas; 31st IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN); 2022

Designing and applying technology for prevention—Lessons learned in AEQUIPA and its implications for future research and practice

Meyer, Jochen and Ratz, Tiara and Pauls, Alexander and Hellmers, Sandra and Boll, Susanne and Fudickar, Sebastian and Hein, Andreas and Bauer, Jürgen M and Koppelin, Frauke and Lippke, Sonia and Peters, Manuela and Pischke, Claudia R and Voelcker-Rehage, Claudia and Zeeb, Hajo and Forberger, Sarah; Frontiers in Public Health; 2022

Effect Of Situation Awareness On Accomplishing Manipulation Tasks in Nursing Care

Vu, Minh Tam, Hinrichs, Pascal and Hein, Andreas; Assistive robots in the real world - IROS'2022 Workshop; Oktober / 2022

Estimating the Gait Speed of Older Adults in Smart Home Environments

Friedrich, Björn and Steen, Enno-Edzard and Hellmers, Sandra and Bauer, Jürgen M and Hein, Andreas; SN Computer Science; 2(3) / 2022

Increase the Quality of Treatment with Medical Apps Through Remote Compliance Testing

Sauer, Janina and Münzberg, Alexander and Reisewitz, Franz and Hein, Andreas and Rösch, Norbert; Proceedings of Sixth International Congress on Information and Communication Technology; 2022

Machine Learning and Context-Based Approaches to Get Quality Improved Food Data

Münzberg, Alexander and Sauer, Janina and Hein, Andreas and Rösch, Norbert; Proceedings of Sixth International Congress on Information and Communication Technology; 2022

Stadt, Land, Gesundheitsversorgung

Specht, Sebastian and Schnack, Helge; Gis.Business; 2022

Suitability of Virtual Reality for Eye Tracking Studies in a Nursing Context

Gliesche, Pascal and Weiß, Sebastian and Gerdes, Arne and Heuten, Wilko and Hein, Andreas; 5. Clusterkonferenz "Zukunft der Pflege"; 9 / 2022

Untersuchung der Lage-Typisierung von Krankenhäusern durch Zonen potenzieller Erreichbarkeit

Specht, Sebastian and Schnack, Helge and Krauskopf, Jan Elmar and Hein, Andreas; AGIT Journal für Angewandte Geoinformatik; 2022

Wie reagieren Krankenhäuser auf den Ärzt:innenmangel? Eine Analyse von Personalbindungsmaßnahmen in Online-Stellenanzeigen

Schnack, Helge and Lubasch, Johanna and Uthoff, SAK and Zinkevich, Anna and Kutzleben, M and Specht, Sebastian and Pawel, A and Ramsauer, H and Ansmann, Lena and Knesebeck, O and Wirtz, Markus; Das Gesundheitswesen; 08 / 2022


A Deep Learning Assisted Digital Nutrition Diary to Support Nutrition Counseling for People Affected by the Geriatric Frailty Syndrome

Elfert, Patrick and Tiryaki, Enes and Eichelberg, Marco and Rösch, Norbert and Hein, Andreas; Proceedings 2021 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC); 2021

Acceptance of Industrial Collaborative Robots by People With Disabilities in Sheltered Workshops

Sandra Drolshagen, Max Pfingsthorn, Pascal Gliesche, Andreas Hein; Frontiers in Robotic and AI; 02 / 2021

Commanding a Whole-Arm Manipulation Grasp Configuration With One Click: Interaction Concept and Analytic IK Method

Gliesche, Pascal and Kowalski, Christian and Pfingsthorn, Max and Hein, Andreas; 2021 30th IEEE International Conference on Robot Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN); 08 / 2021

Digitalisierte Dienstleitungen im Bereich der Ernährungsberatung von Personengruppen mit erhöhten gesundheitlichen Risiken bei Fehlernährung (DiDiER)

Haab, Henning and Alexandersson, Jan and Britz, Jochen and Diekmann, Rebecca and Eichelberg, Marco and Elfert, Patrick and Hein, Andreas and Herrmann, Janna and Kuhn, Ludwig and Lämmel, Sonja and Münzberg, Alexander and Rösch, Norbert and Roth, Susanne and Sauer, Janina and Teichmann, Susanne and Wojzischke, Julia and Bieber, Daniel; Dienstleistungsinnovationen durch Digitalisierung, Band 2: Prozesse - Transformationen - Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke; 2021

Geometry-Based Two-Contact Inverse Kinematic Solution for Whole Arm Manipulation

Gliesche, Pascal and Kowalski, Christian and Pfingsthorn, Max and Hein, Andreas; 2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS); 09 / 2021

Großer Schaden im kleinen Kästchen?

Hein, Andreas; Lüpkes, Christian; Specht, Sebastian; RaumPlanung - Fachzeitschrift für räumliche Planung und Forschung; 1 / 2021

Handling Comparison between a Human and a Patient Simulator for Nursing Care Related Physical Human-robot Interaction

Kowalski, C., Gliesche, P., Fifelski-von Böhlen, C., Brinkmann, A., & Hein, A.; HEALTHINF; 2021

Towards robotic manipulator assisted positioning in care

Gliesche, P.; Kowalski, C.; Pfingsthorn, M.; Hein, A.; 06 / 2021


Comparison between a Continuous and Proactive Robot Assistance Approach for the Execution of Collaborative Tasks in Nursing Care

Pascal Gliesche, Celia Nieto Agraz, Christian Kowalski, Andreas Hein; ICHI 2020 Conference Proceedings; 12 / 2020

Comparison of app-based and paper-based diaries in food allergy diagnostics

Rösch, Norbert and Münzberg, Alexander and Sauer, Janina and Pirrung, Melissa and Lämmel, Sonja and Teichmann, Susanne and Eichelberg, Marco and Hein, Andreas; Allergy, Meeting Abstract, Congress of the European-Academy-of-Allergy-and-Clinical-Immunology (EAACI); 2020

Das Pflegeinnovationszentrum - Erforschung und Bewertung innovativer Pflegetechnologien

Kowalski, Christian and Cobus, Vanessa and Weiß, Sebastian and Hein, Andreas; JuKiP-Ihr Fachmagazin für Gesundheits-und Kinderkrankenpflege; 2020

Data validation for healthcare cost analysis in STROKE OWL

Timo Wolters and Timo Michelsen and Christian Lüpkes and Andreas Hein; GMS Medical Informatics Biometry Epidemiology (MIBE); August / 2020

Design of a Supportive Transfer Robot System for Caregivers to Reduce Physical Strain During Nursing Activities

Kowalski, Christian and Arizpe-Gomez, Pedro and Fifelski, Conrad and Brinkmann, Anna and Hein, Andreas; Studies in health technology and informatics; 2020

Generation of Fine Grained Demographic Information for Epidemiological Analysis

Timo Wolters and Oke Wübbenhorst and Christian Lüpkes and Andreas Hein; Digital Personalized Health and Medicine - Proceedings of MIE 2020, Medical Informatics Europe, Geneva, Switzerland, April 28 - May 1, 2020 [conference cancelled because of Covid-19]; 2020

Kinesthetic Device vs. Keyboard/Mouse: A Comparison in Home Care Telemanipulation

Gliesche, Pascal and Krick, Tobias and Pfingsthorn, Max and Drolshagen, Sandra and Kowalski, Christian and Hein, Andreas; Frontiers in Robotics and AI; 11 / 2020

Practical Implementation of Receiver-Oriented Encryption in STROKE OWL

Timo Michelsen and Christian Lins and Andreas Hein and Christian Lüpkes; Digital Personalized Health and Medicine - Proceedings of MIE 2020, Medical Informatics Europe, Geneva, Switzerland, April 28 - May 1, 2020; 2020

Preliminary Viability Test of a 3-D-Consumer-Camera-Based System for Automatic Gait Feature Detection in People with and without Parkinson’s Disease

Pedro Arizpe-Gomez, Kirsten Harms, Sebastian Fudickar, Kathrin Janitzky, Karsten Witt and Andreas Hein; Proceedings of ICHI 2020; 12 / 2020

Pulse Transit Time Estimation for Blood Pressure Measurement in Patients Implanted with a Left Ventricular Assist Device

M. Ahmad, J. Glitza, F. Müller-von-Aschwege, A. Hein and B. Cauchi; Oktober / 2020

Quantification of Lower Limb and Spine Muscle Activity in Manual Patient Handling-A Case Study

Brinkmann, Anna and Fifelski, Conrad and Lau, Sandra and Kowalski, Christian and Meyer, Ole and Diekmann, Rebecca and Hein, Andreas; Studies in Health Technology and Informatics; 2020

Reducing Caregiver’s Physical Strain in Manual Patient Transfer with Robot Support

Fifelski-von Böhlen, Conrad and Brinkmann, Anna and Kowalski, Christian and Meyer, Ole and Hellmers, Sandra and Hein, Andreas; 2020 5th International Conference on Automation, Control and Robotics Engineering (CACRE); 2020

Robotic Assistance in Nursing Care: Survey on Challenges and Scenarios

Gliesche, Pascal and Seibert, Kathrin and Kowalski, Christian and Domhoff, Dominik and Pfingsthorn, Max and Wolf-Ostermann, Karin and Hein, Andreas; International Journal of Biomedical and Biological Engineering; 09 / 2020

The AAL/Care Laboratory-a healthcare prevention system for caregivers

Brinkmann, Anna and Fifelski, Conrad and Lau, Sandra and Kowalski, Christian and Meyer, Ole and Diekmann, Rebecca and Isken, Melvin and Fudickar, Sebastian and Hein, Andreas; Nanomaterials and Energy; 2020

Towards an Ambient Estimation of Stool Types to Support Nutrition Counseling for People affected by the Geriatric Frailty Syndrome

Elfert, Patrick and Siggelkow, Simon and Eichelberg, Marco and Hein, Andreas; 25th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC); 2020

Towards an Ambient Survey of Consumption Quantities to Support the Nutrition Counseling Process for People affected by the Geriatric Frailty Syndrome

Elfert, Patrick and Siggelkow, Simon and Eichelberg, Marco and Hein, Andreas; Proceedings 2020 IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics; 2020

Towards Physical Human-Robot Interaction using Force Support for Nursing Care Bed Activities

Kowalski, Christian and Gliesche, Pascal and Fifelski-von Böhlen, Conrad and Brinkmann, Anna and Hein, Andreas; Robots for Health and Elderly Care - RoboHEC; 10 / 2020

Towards Whole Arm Manipulation for Outpatient Care

Gliesche, Pascal and Kowalski, Christian and Pfingsthorn, Max and Hein, Andreas; Robots for Health and Elderly Care - RoboHEC; 10 / 2020


A Clustering-based Approach to Determine a Standardized Statistic for Daily Activities of Elderly Living Alone

Alexander Gerka and Christian Lins and Max Pfingsthorn and Marco Eichelberg and Sebastian Müller and Christian Stolle and Andreas Hein; Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - Volume 5: HEALTHINF,; 2019

Analysis of LVAD Log Files considering the circadian Rhythm for the early Thrombosis Detection

J. I. Glitza, F. Müller-von Aschwege, C. Feldmann, R. Wendl, J. D. Schmitto, N. Reiss, T. Schmidt, A. Hein; The International Journal of Artificial Organs; August / 2019

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation quality parameters from motion capture data using Differential Evolution fitting of sinusoids

Lins, Christian and Eckhoff, Daniel and Klausen, Andreas and Hellmers, Sandra and Hein, Andreas and Fudickar, Sebastian; Applied Soft Computing; 06 / 2019

Designing a New Puzzle App to Target Dyslexia Screening in Pre-Readers

Rauschenberger, Maria and Lins, Christian and Rousselle, Noelle and Hein, Andreas and Fudickar, Sebastian; Proceedings of the 5th EAI International Conference on Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good; 2019

Digital supported diagnostics in food allergy by analyzing app-based diaries

Rösch, Norbert and Münzberg, Alexander and Sauer, Janina and Lämmel, Sonja and Teichmann, Susanne and Arens-Volland, Andreas and Eichelberg, Marco and Hein, Andreas; Proceedings 2019 Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI); 2019

Digital Supported Diagnostics In Food Allergy By Analyzing App-Based Diaries

Münzberg, Alexander and Sauer, Janina and Lämmel, Sonja and Susanne, Teichmann and Arens-Volland, Andreas and Eichelberg, Marco and Hein, Andreas; Allergy, Meeting Abstract, Congress of the European-Academy-of-Allergy-and-Clinical-Immunology (EAACI); 2019

Erster Vergleich von Eingabegeräten für die Telemanipulation im Pflegekontext

Gliesche, Pascal and Pfingsthorn, Max and Kowalski, Christian and Drolshagen, Sandra and Krahn, Tobias and Hein, Andreas; Zukunft der Pflege Tagungsband der 2. Clusterkonferenz; 2019

Interconnected living in a quarter for persons with dementia

Gerka, A and Eichelberg, M and Stolle, C and Tietjen-Müller, C and Brinkmann-Gerdes, S and Hein, A; Informatics for Health and Social Care; 2019

Intuitive human-robot interaction for physical support during nursing activities using myoelectric signals

Kowalski, Christian and Arizpe-Gomez, Pedro and Weiß, Sebastian and Gliesche, Pascal and Hein, Andreas; Zukunft der Pflege Tagungsband der 2. Clusterkonferenz; 2019

Multi low-resolution infrared sensor setup for privacy-preserving unobtrusive indoor localization

Kowalski, Christian and Blohm, Kolja and Weiß, Sebastian and Pfingsthorn, Max and Gliesche, Pascal and Hein, Andreas; ICT4AWE 2019 - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health; 2019

Multifunktionale, technikgestützte Mobilisierung in der Pflege

Fifelski, Conrad and Peters, Miriam and Daxberger, Sabine and Wirth, Lena-Marie and Kowalski, Christian and Hein, Andreas and Hülsken-Giesler, Manfred; Zukunft der Pflege Tagungsband der 2. Clusterkonferenz; 2019

Multivariate Event Detection for Non-intrusive Load Monitoring

Gerka, Alexander and Cauchi, Benjamin and Hein, Andreas; The Ninth International Conference on Ambient Computing, Applications, Services and Technologies (AMBIENT); 09 / 2019

Pflege 2050 - Wie die technologische Zukunft der Pflege aussehen könnte

Boll-Westermann, Susanne and Hein, Andreas and Heuten, Wilko and Krahn, Tobias; 10 / 2019

Privacy by Design for Integrated Case and Care Management: Receiver-Oriented Encryption in STROKE OWL

Timo Michelsen and Christian Lins and Stefan Gudenkauf and Andreas Hein and Christian Lüpkes; ICT for Health Science Research - Proceedings of the EFMI 2019 Special Topic Conference - 7-10 April 2019, Hanover, Germany; 2019

Tracking and Separation of Smart Home Residents through Ambient Activity Sensors

Müller, Sebastian Matthias and Hein, Andreas; Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute Proceedings; 11 / 2019


A qualitative survey on challenges and use-cases for robotic assistants in nursing care

Gliesche, Pascal and Kowalski, Christian and Krahn, Tobias and Drolshagen, Sandra and Hein, Andreas and Pfingsthorn, Max; Robots for Assisted Living - IROS'2018 Workshop; 10 / 2018

Advanced telemonitoring of Left Ventricular Assist Device patients for the early detection of thrombosis

Jenny I. Glitza,Frerk Müller-von Aschwege,Marco Eichelberg,Nils Reiss,Thomas Schmidt,Christina Feldmann,Regina Wendl,Jan D. Schmitto,Andreas Hein; Journal of Network and Computer Applications; 2018

An Ambient System for Acquiring and Digitizing Health Parameters Targeting Dietary Counseling for Frailty Patients

Elfert, Patrick and Eichelberg, Marco and Haab, Henning and Wojzischke, Julia and Diekmann, Rebecca and Hein, Andreas; Zukunft der Pflege, Tagungsband der 1. Clusterkonferenz; 2018

Analyse von Versorgungsprozessen in Wohngemeinschaften für Menschen mit eingeschränkter Alltagskompentenz

Alexander Gerka, Simon Remy, Christian Lins, Christian Lüpkes, Andreas Hein; 17. Deutscher Kongress für Versorgungsforschung; 10 / 2018

Detecting the Number of Persons in the Bed Area to Enhance the Safety of Artificially Ventilated Persons

Gerka, Alexander and Pfingsthorn, Max and Lupkes, Christian and Sparenberg, Kevin and Frenken, Melina and Lins, Christian and Hein, Andreas; 2018 IEEE 20th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications and Services (Healthcom); 2018

Determining Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Parameters with Differential Evolution Optimization of Sinusoidal Curves

Christian Lins and Andreas Klausen and Sebastian Fudickar and Sandra Hellmers and Myriam Lipprandt and Rainer Röhrig and Andreas Hein; Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - Volume 5: AI4Health,; 2018

Development of a Mobile Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Prototype

Volkening, Nils and Unni, Anirudh and Rieger, Jochem W. and Fudickar, Sebastian and Hein, Andreas; Internet of Vehicles. Technologies and Services Towards Smart City; 2018

Development of a Mobile Functional Near-infrared Spectroscopy Prototype and Its Initial Evaluation: Lessons Learned

Volkening, Nils and Unni, Anirudh and Becker, Sabeth and Rieger, Jochem W. and Fudickar, Sebastian and Hein, Andreas; Proceedings of the 11th PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments Conference; 2018

Development of New Algorithms for Early Detection of Pump Thrombosis by Analysis of HeartWare LVAD Log Files

Nils Reiss,Frerk Müller-von Aschwege,Thomas Schmidt,Christina Feldmann,Jan Schmitto,Andreas Hein,Jenny Glitza; The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation; 2018

Ein ambientes System zur Erfassung und Digitalisierung von Gesundheitsparameters mit dem Ziel, Ernährungsberatung für anfällige Patienten zu ermöglichen

Elfert, Patrick and Wojzischke, Julia and Eichelberg, Marco and Hein, Andreas; Tagungsband Wissenschaftskongress Active Assisted Living; 2018

Gewährleistung von Datenqualität bei Datentriangulation mit Patientendaten

Timo Michelsen, Lars Rölker-Denker, Christian Lüpkes, Andreas Hein, ; Deutscher Kongress für Versorgungsforschung; 10 / 2018

R-Visualisierungen auf Krebsdaten mit CARESS 9

David Korfkamp, Kolja Blohm, Christian Lüpkes, Andreas Hein; 63. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie e.V. (GMDS); September / 2018

Requirements for Ambient Sensors that Enhance the Safety of Artificially Ventilated Patients

Alexander Gerka, Christian Lins, Christian Lüpkes, Myriam Lipprandt and Andreas Hein ; Zukunft der Pflege Tagungsband der 1. Clusterkonferenz 2018 Innovative Technologien für die Pflege; 06 / 2018

TutAR: Augmented Reality Tutorials for Hands-only Procedures

Eckhoff, Daniel and Sandor, Christian and Lins, Christian and Eck, Ulrich and Kalkofen, Denis and Hein, Andreas; Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and Its Applications in Industry; 2018

TutAR: Semi-Automatic Generation of Augmented Reality Tutorials for Medical Education

Eckhoff, Daniel; Sandor, Christian; Kalkofen, Denis; Eck, Ulrich; Lins, Christian; Hein, Andreas; 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct) (To appear); 2018

Unsupervised Temporal Segmentation of Skeletal Motion Data using Joint Distance Representation

Christian Lins and Sebastian M. Müller and Max Pfingsthorn and Marco Eichelberg and Alexander Gerka and Andreas Hein; Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - Volume 5: HEALTHINF,; 2018

XML Skeleton Definitions for Human Posture Assessments

Lins, Christian and Fudickar, Sebastian and Hein, Andreas; German Medical Data Sciences: A Learning Healthcare System, Proceedings of the 63rd Annual Meeting of the German Association of Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology (gmds e.V.); 2018


Ambient Water Usage Sensor for the Identification of Daily Activities

Gerka, Alexander and Bayer, Finn and Eichelberg, Marco and Frenken, Melina and Hein, Andreas ; Global Internet of Things Summit; 6 / 2017

Analysis of LVAD log files for the early detection of pump thrombosis

J. I. Röbesaat, F. M. v. Aschwege, N. Reiss, T. Schmidt, C. Feldmann, E. Deniz, J. D. Schmitto, A. Hein; 2017 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC); July / 2017

DiDiER – Digitized Services in Dietary Counselling for People with Increased Health Risks Related to Malnutrition and Food Allergies

Elfert, Patrick and Eichelberg, Marco and Tröger, Johannes and Britz, Jochen and Alexandersson, Jan and Bieber, Daniel and Bauer, Jürgen and Teichmann, Susanne and Kuhn, Ludwig Kuhn and Thielen, Martin, and Sauer, Janina and Münzberg, Alexander and Rösch, Norbert and Hein, Andreas; IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications; Juli / 2017

Gesture controlled hospital beds for home care

Fudickar, Sebastian and Flessner, Jannik and Volkening, Nils and Steen, Enno-Edzard and Isken, Melvin and Hein, Andreas; Ambient Assisted Living - 9. AAL-Kongress, Frankfurt/M, Germany, April 20 - 21, 2016; 2017

How to Tackle Key Challenges in the Promotion of Physical Activity among Older Adults (65+): The AEQUIPA Network Approach

Forberger, Sarah and Bammann, Karin and Bauer, Jürgen and Boll, Susanne and Bolte, Gabriele and Brand, Tilman and Hein, Andreas and Koppelin, Frauke and Lippke, Sonia and Meyer, Jochen and Pischke, Claudia R and Voelcker-Rehage, Claudia and Zeeb, Hajo; International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; 2017

Towards a Minimized Unsupervised Technical Assessment of Physical Performance in Domestic Environments

Hellmers, Sandra and Steen, Enno-Edzard and Dasenbrock, Lena and Heinks, Andrea and Bauer, Jürgen M. and Fudickar, Sebastian and Hein, Andreas; Proceedings of the 11th EAI Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare; 2017

Validation of a Motion Capture Suit for Clinical Gait Analysis

Hellmers, Sandra and Fudickar, Sebastian and Lange, Eugen and Lins, Christian and Hein, Andreas; 11th EAI Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, Barcelona; 2017

Zustandserkennung von Beatmungsgeräten durch zentrale Messung des Stromverbrauchs

Gerka, Alexander; Lins, Christian; Lüpkes, Christian; Hein, Andreas; German Medical Science GMS Publishing House; 09 / 2017


Aktivität zuhause lebender Senioren nach Schenkelhalsfraktur – Zusammenhänge von Sensordaten und klinischen Assessmentergebnissen in zwei Fallbeispielen

Dasenbrock, Lena and Steen, Enno- Edzard and Saalfeld, Birgit and Schulze, Mareike and Becker, Marcus and Bente, Petra and Dölle, Michael and Gietzelt, Matthias and Haux, Reinhold and Hein, Andreas and Holtkamp, Katharina and Kolb, Gerald and Künemund, Harald and Lammel-Polchau, Christopher and Marschollek, Michael and Meis, Markus and Meyer zu Schwabedissen, Hubertus and Wolf, Klaus-Hendrik and Bauer, Jürgen; Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie; 2016

Characterizing the Influence of Muscle Activity in fNIRS Brain Activation Measurements

Volkening, Nils and Unni, Anirudh and Löffler, Birte Sofie and Fudickar, Sebastian and Rieger, Jochem W. and Hein, Andreas; IFAC-PapersOnLine; 2016

Designing and Introducing an Activity Motivating Mobile Web App Platform for Seniors

Lins, Christian; Frenken, Melina; Halder, Luca; Hein, Andreas; 2 / 2016

Electricity Metering for Dementia Care

Gerka, Alexander; Lübeck, Felix; Eichelberg, Marco; Hein, Andreas; VDE-Kongress 2016 – Internet der Dinge. Technologien / Anwendungen / Perspektiven.; 11 / 2016

Inferring Multi-Person Presence in Home Sensor Networks

Müller, Sebastian and Steen, Enno-Edzard and Hein, Andreas; 2 / 2016

Model-based Approach for Posture and Movement Classification in Working Environments

Lins, Christian; Müller, Sebastian Matthias; Hein, Andreas; 2 / 2016

QuoVadis – Definition of Requirements and Conception for Interconnected Living in a Quarter for Dementia Patients

Gerka, Alexander; Abmeier, Nadine; Schwarz, Marie-Luise; Brinkmann-Gerdes, Stefanie ; Eichelberg, Marco; Hein, Andreas; Zukunft Lebensräume: Gesundheit, Selbstständigkeit und Komfort im demografischen Wandel Konzepte und Technologien für die Wohnungs-, Immobilien-, Gesundheits- und Pflegewirtschaft; 2016

Still in flow - Long-term usage of an activity motivating app for seniors

Lins, Christian and Hein, Andreas and Halder, Luca and Gronotte, Philipp; e-Health Networking, Applications and Services (Healthcom), 2016 IEEE 18th International Conference on; 9 / 2016

Zusammenhänge zwischen triaxialen Accelerometerdaten geriatrischer Probanden und Mobilitätsassessments in der Frakturrehabilitation - Beispiele aus der NATARS-Studie

Saalfeld, Birgit and Steen, Enno-Edzard and Bauer, Jürgen and Bente, Petra and Dasenbrock, Lena and Dölle, Michael and Gietzelt, Matthias and Haux, Reinhold and Hein, Andreas and Holtkamp, Katharina and Kolb, Gerald and Künemund, Harald and Lammel-Polchau, Christopher and Marschollek, Michael and Meis, Markus and Meyer zu Schwabedissen, Hubertus and Wolf, Klaus-Hendrik and Becker, Marcus, Schulze, Mareike; HEC 2016: Health - Exploring Complexity; 2016


Detection of Floor Level Obstacles and Their Influence on Gait - A Further Step to an Automated Housing Enabling Assessment

Nils Volkening, Andreas Hein; International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems; 2015

Dynamic DICOM configuration in a service-oriented medical device architecture

Schlamelcher, Jan; Onken, Michael; Eichelberg, Marco; Hein, Andreas; Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE; 2015

Heart Rate Prediction for Coronary Artery Disease Patients (CAD): Results of a Clinical Pilot Study

Frerk Müller-von Aschwege, Anke Workowski, Detlev Willemsen, Sebastian M Müller und Andreas Hein; Digital Healthcare Empowering Europeans; 5 / 2015

Knowledge Process Models in Health Care Organisations - Ideal-typical Examples from the Field

Lars Rölker-Denker and Andreas Hein; Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (BIOSTEC 2015); 2015

Knowledge Processes in German Hospitals. First Findings from the Network for Health Services Research Metropolitan Region Bremen-Oldenburg.

Lars Rölker-Denker and Insa Seeger and Andreas Hein; eKNOW 2015, The Seventh International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management; 2015

Multi-Target Data Association in Binary Sensor Networks

Müller, SebastianHein, Andreas; Proceedings of AMBIENT 2015, The Fifth International Conference on Ambient Computing, Applications, Services and Technologies; 7 / 2015

SIRKA: Sensoranzug zur individuellen Rückmeldung körperlicher Aktivität

Lins, Christian; Eichelberg, Marco; Rölker-Denker, Lars; Hein, Andreas; Dokumentationsband zur 55. DGAUM-Jahrestagung; 3 / 2015

Towards Pervasive Mobility Assessments in Clinical and Domestic Environments

Isken, Melvin and Frenken, Thomas and Frenken, Melina and Hein, Andreas; 2015

Überleitung aus Sicht der Krankenhäuser - Ergebnisse aus semi-strukturierten Leitfadeninterviews auf Ebene der Geschäftsführung in der Region Metropolregion Bremen-Oldenburg

Lars Rölker-Denker and Insa Seeger and Andreas Hein; 14. Deutscher Kongress für Versorgungsforschung. Deutsches Netzwerk Versorgungsforschung e. V. 7. - 9. Oktober 2015, Berlin; 2015



A novel approach for discovering human behavior patterns using unsupervised methods

Wang, Ju and Bauer, Jürgen and Becker, Marcus and Bente, Petra and Dasenbrock, Lena and Elbers, Katharina and Hein, Andreas and Kohlmann, Martin and Kolb, Gerald and Lammel-Polchau, Christopher and Marschollek, Michael and Meis, Markus and Remmers, Hartmut and Meyer zu Schwabedissen, Hubertus and Schulze, Mareike and Steen, Enno-Edzard and Haux, Reinhold and Wolf, Klaus-Hendrik; Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie; 12 / 2014

A technical platform for environments for ageing – lessons learned from three field studies

Eichelberg, Marco; Büsching, Felix; Steen, Enno-Edzard; Helmer, Axel; Thiel, Andreas; Hein, Andreas; Wolf, Lars; Informatics for Health and Social Care; 9 / 2014

AAL-Onto - A Formal Representation of RAALI Integration Profiles

Welge, Ralph; Busch, Björn-Helge; Kabitzsch, Klaus; Laurila-Dürsch, Janina; Heusinger, Stefan; Lipprandt, Myriam; Eichelberg, Marco; Eichenberg, Elke; Engelien, Heike; Gök, Murat; Moritz, Guido; Hein, Andreas; Ambient Assisted Living. 7. AAL-Kongress 2014 Berlin, Germany, January 21-22, 2014.; 2014

AAL-Onto - A Formal Representation of RAALI Integration Profiles

Welge, Ralph; Busch, Björn-Helge; Kabitzsch, Klaus; Laurila-Dürsch, Janina; Heusinger, Stefan; Lipprandt, Myriam; Eichelberg, Marco; Eichenberg, Elke; Engelien, Heike; Gök, Murat; Moritz, Guido; Hein, Andreas; Tagungsband Ambient Assisted Living, 7. Deutscher AAL-Kongress mit Ausstellung 21.-22. Januar 2014, Berlin; 1 / 2014

Acceptance of sensor networks by dementia patients

Wallbaum, Torben and Frenken, Melina and Meyer, Jochen and Hein, Andreas; 7 Deutscher AAL-Kongress 2014 (AAL 2014); 1 / 2014

Activity recognition using non-intrusive appliance load monitoring

Wilken, Olaf and Kramer, Oliver and Steen, Enno-Edzard and Hein, Andreas; PECCS 2014 - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems; 1 / 2014

Analyse von Mobilitätsmustern mit Hilfe von Umgebungssensoren - Zwei Fallbeispiele aus der GAL NATARS Studie

Dasenbrock, Lena and Steen, Enno-Edzard and Becker, Marcus and Holtkamp, Katharina and Bente, Petra and Dölle, Michael and Lammel-Polchau, Christopher and Schulze, Mareike and Marschollek, Michael and Haux, Reinhold and Hein, Andreas and Kolb, Gerald and Meis, Markus and Meyer zu Schwabedissen, Hubertus and Remmers, Hartmut and Thoben, Wilfried and Wang, Ju and Wolf, Klaus-Hendrik and Bauer, Jürgen; Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie; 2014

Automated Clustering of Home Sensor Networks to Functional Regions for the Deduction of Presence Information for Medical Applications

Müller, Sebastian and Helmer, Axel and Steen, Enno-Edzard and Frenken, Melina and Hein, Andreas; 01 / 2014

Die GAL NATARS Studie - Erfahrungen zur Teilnehmerrekrutierung

Dasenbrock, Lena and Holtkamp, Katharina and Bente, Petra and Becker, Marcus and Steen, Enno-Edzard and Lammel-Polchau, Christopher and Schulze, Mareike and Marschollek, Michael and Haux, Reinhold and Hein, Andreas and Kolb, Gerald and Meis, Markus and Meyer zu Schwabedissen, Hubertus and Remmers, Hartmut and Thoben, Wilfried and Wang, Ju and Wolf, Klaus-Hendrik and Bauer, Jürgen; Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie; 2014

Die NATARS-Studie - Durchführung und Akzeptanz

Holtkamp, Katharina and Dasenbrock, Lena and Bente, Petra and Becker, Marcus and Steen, Enno-Edzard and Lammel-Polchau, Christopher and Schulze, Mareike and Marschollek, Michael and Bauer, Jürgen and Haux, ReinholdHein, AndreasMeis, MarkusMeyer zu Schwabedissen, HubertusRemmers, HartmutThoben, WilfriedWang, JuWolf, Klaus-HendrikKolb, Gerald; Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie; 2014

Evaluation of a generic heart rate model for exercise planning and execution across training modalities

Müller, Frerk and Müller, Sebastian and Helmer, Axel and Hein, Andreas; 01 / 2014

Home-monitoring of mobility and activity – two case studies from the GAL-NATARS study

Dasenbrock, Lena and Steen, Enno-Edzard and Becker, Marcus and Holtkamp, Katharina and Bente, Petra and Dölle, Michael and Lammel-Polchau, Christopher and Schulze, Mareike and Marschollek, Michael and Haux, Reinhold and Hein, Andreas and Kolb, Gerald and Meis, Markus and Meyer zu Schwabedissen, Hubertus and Remmers, Hartmut and Thoben, Wilfried and Wang, Ju and Wolf, Klaus-Hendrik and Bauer, Jürgen; European Geriatric Medicine; 2014

Information and communication technologies for promoting and sustaining quality of life, health and self-sufficiency in ageing societies outcomes of the lower saxony research network design of environments for ageing (GAL)

Haux, Reinhold and Hein, Andreas and Kolb, Gerald and Künemund, Harald and Eichelberg, Marco and Appell, Jens E and Appelrath, Hans-Jürgen and Bartsch, Christian and Bauer, Jürgen and Becker, Marcus and Bente, Petra and Bitzer, Jörg and Boll, Susanne and Büsching, Felix and Dasenbrock, Lena and Deparade, Riana and Deppner, Dominic and Elbers, Katharina and Fachinger, Uwe and Felber, Juliane and Feldwieser, Florian and Forberg, Anne and Gietzelt, Matthias and Goetze, Stefan and Gövercin, Mehmet and Helmer, Axel and Herzke, Tobias and Hesselmann, Tobias and Heuten, Wilko and Huber, Rainer and Hülsken-Giesler, Manfred and Jacobs, Gerold and Kalbe, Elke and Kerling, Arno and Klingenberg, Timo and Költzsch, Yvonne and Lammel-Polchau, Christopher and Ludwig, Wolfram and Marschollek, Michael and Martens, Birger and Meis, Markus and Meyer, Eike Michael and Meyer zu Schwabedissen, Hubertus and Moritz, Niko and Müller, Heiko and Nebel, Wolfgang and Neyer, Franz J. and Okken, Petra-Karin and Rahe, Julia and Remmers, Hartmut and Rölker-Denker, Lars and Schilling, Meinhard and Schöpke, Birte and Schröder, Jens and Schulze, Gisela and Schulze, Mareike and Siltmann, Sina and Song, Bianying and Spehr, Jens and Steen, Enno-Edzard and Steinhagen-Thiessen, Elisabeth and Tanschus, Nele-Marie and Tegtbur, Uwe and Thiel, Andreas and Thoben, Wilfried and van Hengel, Peter and Wabnik, Stefan and Wegel, Sandra and Wilken, Olaf and Winkelbach, Simon and Wist, Thorben and Wolf, Klaus-Hendrik and Wolf, Lars and Zokoll-van der Laan, Melanie; Informatics for Health and Social Care; 9 / 2014

Integration of Smart Home Health Data in the Clinical Decision Making Process

Helmer, Axel; Müller, Frerk; Lohmann, Okko; Thiel, Andreas; Kretschmer, Friedrich; Eichelberg, Marco; Hein, Andreas; 11 / 2014

Multimodal activity monitoring for home rehabilitation of geriatric fracture patients - feasibility and acceptance of sensor systems in the GAL-NATARS-Study

Marschollek, Michael and Becker, Marcus and Bauer, Jürgen and Bente, Petra and Dasenbrock, Lena and Elbers, Katharina and Hein, Andreas and Kolb, Gerald and Künemund, Harald and Lammel-Polchau, Christopher and Meis, Markus and Meyer zu Schwabedissen, Hubertus and Remmers, Hartmut and Schulze, Mareike and Steen, Enno-Edzard and Thoben, Wilfried and Wang, Ju and Wolf, Klaus-Hendrik and Haux, Reinhold; Informatics for Health and Social Care; 9 / 2014

Performing gait analysis within the timed up & go assessment test: comparison of aTUG to a marker-based tracking system

Frenken, Thomas and Lohmann, Okko and Frenken, Melina and Steen, Enno-Edzard and Hein, Andreas; Informatics for Health and Social Care; 9 / 2014

Projektvorstellung „Netzwerk Versorgungsforschung Metropolregion Bremen – Oldenburg“

Lars Rölker-Denker, Insa Seeger, Andreas Hein; Zeitschrift für Palliativmedizin; 5 / 2014

Recommendations on Interoperability, Specifications and Standards

Lars Rölker-Denker, Eichelberg, Marco; Hein, Andreas; Tagungsband Ambient Assisted Living, 7. Deutscher AAL-Kongress mit Ausstellung, 21.-22. Januar 2014, Berlin; 1 / 2014

Sekundärnutzung klinischer Patientenakten – Semi-automatische Detektion von Medikamentennebenwirkungen

Krahn, Tobias and Müller, Frerk and Eichelberg, Marco and Hein, Andreas and Appelrath, Hans-Jürgen; e-Health 2014 - Informationstechnologien und Telematik im Gesundheitswesen; 01 / 2014

Using an Autonomous Service Robot for Detection of Floor Level Obstacles and its Influence to the Gait

Nils VolkeningAndreas Hein; The Fourth International Conference on Ambient Computing, Applications, Services and Technologies; 8 / 2014

Working with a domestic assessment system to estimate the need of support and care of elderly and disabled persons: results from field studies

Hein, Andreas and Steen, Enno-Edzard and Thiel, Andreas and Hülsken-Giesler, Manfred and Wist, Thorben and Helmer, Axel and Frenken, Thomas and Isken, Melvin and Schulze, Gisela C. and Remmers, Hartmut; Informatics for Health and Social Care; 9 / 2014



A Novel ICT Approach to the Assessment of Mobility in Diverse Health Care Environments

Frenken, Thomas and Frenken, Melina and Gövercin, M. and Kiselev, J. and Meyer, Jochen and Wegely, S. and Hein, Andreas; CEWIT-TZI-acatech Workshop "ICT meets Medicine and Health" (ICTMH 2013); 04 / 2013

AAL and Health Services Research – a symbiotic relationship?

Lars Rölker-Denker, Eichelberg, Marco; Hein, Andreas; Proceedings AAL Forum 2013; 2013

Acceptance and Usability of a Technical Support System for Ambulant Palliative Care

Müller, Sebastian and Frenken, Melina and Eckert, Ralf and Baumgartner, Hannah and Felscher, Andreas and Hein, Andreas; Proceedings AAL Forum 2013; 01 / 2013

Ambient Assisted Living als quantitative Methode der Versorgungsforschung

Rölker-Denker, Lars and Eichelberg, Marco and Hein, Andreas and ; 13. Deutscher Kongress für Versorgungsforschung 2013; 11 / 2013

Control and Personalization Approach for an {ICT-enabled} Wearable Artifical Kidney

Pielawa, Lukas and Wallbaum, Torben and Frenken (born Brell), Melina and Hein, Andreas; 2013 IEEE 15th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications and Services (Healthcom 2013) (IEEE Healthcom 2013); 01 / 2013

Functional Assessment in Elderlies' Homes: Early Results from a Field Trial

Steen, Enno-Edzard and Frenken, Thomas and Frenken, Melina and Hein, Andreas; 6. AAL-Kongress 2013; 2013

Gesund zu Hause

Lars Rölker-Denker, Marco Eichelberg, Andreas Hein; EHEALTHCOM; 5 / 2013

Housing Enabling - Detection of imminent risk areas in domestic environments using mobile service robots

Volkening, Nils and Isken, Melvin and Frenken, Thomas and Frenken (born Brell), Melina and Hein, Andreas; 6 Deutscher AAL-Kongress 2013 (AAL 2013); 01 / 2013

Inclusion of Data from the Domestic Domain in the Process of Clinical Decision Making Using the Example of a Comprehensive Ambient Energy Expenditure Determination for COPD Patients

Helmer, Axel and Müller, Frerk and Lohmann, Okko and Thiel, Andreas and Eichelberg, Marco and Hein, Andreas; HEALTHINF 2013 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics, Barcelona, Spain, 11-14 February, 2013; 02 / 2013

Live Long and Prosper

Meyer, Jochen and Hein, Andreas; Journal of Medical Internet Research; 8 / 2013

LsW - Networked home automation in living environments

Müller, Frerk and Frenken, Melina and Hoffmann, Peter and Herzog, Otthein and Hein, Andreas; Lebensqualität im Wandel von Demografie und Technik - 6. Deutscher AAL-Kongress mit Ausstellung; 01 / 2013

Mobile Robot Platform to track User Movement and Behaviour

Isken, Melvin and Borgmann, Bjoern and Hein, Andreas; Evaluating AAL Systems Through Competitive Benchmarking; 2013

Modeling individual healthy behavior using home automation sensor data: Results from a field trial

Steen, Enno-Edzard and Frenken, Thomas and Eichelberg, Marco and Frenken, Melina and Hein, Andreas; Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments; 11 / 2013

On the Comparability of Medical Image Measurements in Cancer Clinical Trials

El Gazzar, Omar and Onken, Michael and Eichelberg, Marco and Hein, Andreas; Biomedical Engineering Conference (CIBEC), 2012 Cairo International; 02 / 2013

Ontologiebasierte Repräsentation von Integrationsprofilen

Welge, Ralph and Busch, Björn-Helge and Kabitzsch, Klaus and Laurila-Dürsch, Janina and Heusinger, Stefan and Lipprandt, Myriam and Eichelberg, Marco and Eichenberg, Elke and Engelien, Heike and Gök, Murat and Moritz, Guido and Hein, Andreas; Tagungsband Ambient Assisted Living, 6. Deutscher AAL-Kongress mit Ausstellung 22.-23. Januar 2013, Berlin; 01 / 2013

Representation of Integration Profiles using an Ontology

Welge, Ralph and Busch, Björn-Helge and Kabitzsch, Klaus and Laurila-Dürsch, Janina and Heusinger, Stefan and Lipprandt, Myriam and Eichelberg, Marco and Eichenberg, Elke and Engelien, Heike and Gök, Murat and Moritz, Guido and Hein, Andreas; Ambient Assisted Living: Advanced Technologies and Societal Change; 01 / 2013

Representation of Integration Profiles using an Ontology

Welge, Ralph; Busch, Björn-Helge; Kabitzsch, Klaus; Laurila-Epe, Janina; Heusinger, Stefan; Lipprandt, Myriam; Eichelberg, Marco; Eichenberg, Elke; Engelien, Heike; Gök, Murat; Moritz, Guido; Hein, Andreas; Ambient Assisted Living: Advanced Technologies and Societal Change; 2013

Structured Documentation of Physiological Models and Behavioural Patterns containing Uncertainty

Lipprandt, Myriam and Hein, Andreas; eTELEMED 2013: The Fifth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine; 01 / 2013

Technikgestütztes häusliches Langzeit-Monitoring von Patienten mit mobilitätseinschränkenden Frakturen nach stationärer geriatrischer Rehabilitation - die GAL-NATARS-Studie

Marschollek, Michael and Apel, Marcus and Bauer, Jürgen and Bente, Petra and Dasenbrock, Lena and Elbers, Katharina and Haux, Reinhold and Hein, Andreas and Künemund, Harald and Lammel-Polchau, Christopher and Meis, Markus and Meyer zu Schwabedissen, Hubertus and Remmers, Hartmut and Steen, Enno-Edzard and Wang, Ju and Wolf, Klaus-Hendrik and Kolb, Gerald; Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie; 2013

Technikgestütztes, poststationäres Langzeitmonitoring von geriatrischen Frakturpatienten in der häuslichen Umgebung - GAL-NATARS Studie

Apel, Marcus and Lammel-Polchau, Christopher and Dasenbrock, Lena and Bente, Petra and Elbers, Katharina and Steen, Enno-Edzard and Meis, Markus and Künemund, Harald and Remmers, Hartmut and Wolf, Klaus-Hendrik and Gietzelt, Matthias and Bauer, Jürgen and Meyer zu Schwabedissen, Hubertus and Kolb, Gerald and Hein, Andreas and Marschollek, Michael and Haux, Reinhold; Tagungsband der 58. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie (GMDS); 9 / 2013



A Comprehensive Framework for Quality Assurance in Clinical Trials

El Gazzar, Omar and Onken, Michael and Eichelberg, Marco and Hein, Andreas and Kotter, Elmar ; Proc. SPIE 8319; 02 / 2012

A Heart Rate Prediction Model for The Telerehabilitation Training of Cardiopulmonary Patients

Helmer, Axel and Deparade, Riana and Kretschmer, Friedrich and Lohmann, Okko and Hein, Andreas and Marschollek, Michael and Tegtbur, Uwe; 5th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies; 01 / 2012

A Novel Indoor Localization Approach Using Dynamic Changes in Ultrasonic Echoes

Steen, Enno-Edzard and Eichelberg, Marco and Nebel, Wolfgang and Hein, Andreas; Advanced Technologies and Societal Change; 01 / 2012

A System for the Model Based Emergency Detection and Communication for the Telerehabilitation Training of Cardiopulmonary Patients

Helmer, Axel; Kretschmer, Friedrich; Eichelberg, Marco; Deparade, Riana; Song, Bianying; Meis, Markus; Hein, Andreas; Marschollek, Michael; Tegtbur, Uwe; Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2012 Annual International Conference of the IEEE; 2012

AAL in Cardiac Rehabilitation

Mueller, Frerk and Lipprandt, Myriam and Eichelberg, Marco and Helmer, Axel and Busch, Clemens and Willemsen, Detlev and Hein, Andreas; Handbook of Ambient Assisted Living; 05 / 2012

Ältere Menschen mit einer geistigen Beeinträchtigung als Nutzer von Ambient Assisted Living Technologien zur Sturzprävention

Wist, Thorben and Steen, Enno-Edzard and Hein, Andreas and Schulze, Gisela; Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) - Proceedings - Series of the Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI); 10 / 2012

Beschreibungsmethodik für AAL-Integrationsprofile

Lipprandt, Myriam and Welge, Ralph and Eichelberg, Marco and Eichenberg, Elke and Engelien, Heike and Kabitzsch, Klaus and Gök, Murat and Busch, Björn-Helge and Laurila-Epe, Janina and Heusinger, Stefan and Moritz, Guido and Hein, Andreas; Tagungsband der Informatik 2012 - 42. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI); 09 / 2012

Ein neuartiger Ansatz zur Indoor-Lokalisierung mittels dynamischer Veränderungen von Ultraschallechos

Steen, Enno-Edzard and Eichelberg, Marco and Nebel, Wolfgang and Hein, Andreas; 01 / 2012

Einbettung assistierender Technologien in Gesundheitsnetzwerke - von der Wohnung zum Arzt

Hellrung, Nils and Ludwig, Wolfram and Frenken, Thomas and Lipprandt, Myriam and Steen, Enno-Edzard and Helmer, Axel and Veltin, Bastian and Bargen, Tobias and Gövercin, Mehmet and Wegel, Sandra and Brell, Melina and Thoben, Wilfried and Steinhagen-Thiessen, Elisabeth and Haux, Reinhold and Hein, Andreas; Technologiegestüzte Dienstleistungsinnovation in der Gesundheitswirtschaft; 04 / 2012

Evaluation of AAL Middleware Platforms

Myriam Lipprandt and Alexander Marinc and Tim Dutz and Guido Moritz and Marco Eichelberg and Reiner Wichert and Andreas Hein; Tomorrow in sight: from design to delivery. Proceedings of the 4th AAL Forum Eindhoven, the Netherlands, 24-27 September 2012; 01 / 2012

Heterogeneous Assertion-Based Verification for Medical Devices Development

Laemmermann, Stefan and Pielawa Lukas and Burger, Andreas and Schlemminger, Jan and Ruf, Juergen and Kropf, Thomas and Hein, Andreas and Rosenstiel Wolfgang; 03 / 2012

iCARDEA: Practical Data Integration for the Follow-up of Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Device Patients in Cardiological Departments

Yang, Maohua and Chronaki, Catherine E. and Lüpkes, Christian and Thiel, Andreas and Plößnig, Manuela and Hinterbuchner, Lynne and Arbelo, Elena and Dogac, Asuman and Eichelberg, Marco and Hein, Andreas; Computing in Cardiology 2011; 01 / 2012

Integrated Monitoring for Personalized Renal Replacement Therapy

Pielawa, Lukas and Poppen, Frank and Wester, Maarten and Simonis, Frank and Brell, Melina and Joles, Jaap and Hein, Andreas; 09 / 2012

Lernende Krankenhäuser aus versorgungsforscherischer Perspektive - Studiendesign und Methodeninventar

Rölker-Denker, Lars and Hein, Andreas; Deutsche Medizinische Wochenzeitschrift; 09 / 2012

Mobile Dialyse für mehr Lebensqualität

Pielawa, Lukas and Brell, Melina and Hein, Andreas; inno; 06 / 2012

Model-Based Physiological Data Stream Evaluation for Dialysis Therapy

Pielawa, Lukas and Wester, Maarten and Simonis, Frank and Hein, Andreas; 06 / 2012

Modelling Knowledge Processes In Health Care Organizations

Rölker-Denker, Lars and Hein, Andreas; Proceedings of The International Workshop on Applied Modeling & Simulation; 09 / 2012

Novel Approach to Unsupervised Mobility Assessment Tests: Field Trial For aTUG

Frenken, T. and Lipprandt, M. and Brell, M. and Wegel, S. and Gövercin, M. and Steinhagen-Thiessen, E. and Hein, A.; Proc. 6th Int Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth) Conf; 05 / 2012

Nutzungsschnittstellen für Medizinische Kommunikationsplattform

Baumgartner, Hannah and Eckert, Ralf and Helmer, Axel and Brell, Melina and Hein, Andreas; 5. Deutscher AAL-Kongress; 01 / 2012

Organisationales Lernen und Organisationale Gedächtnisse im AALKontext

Rölker-Denker, Lars and Hein, Andreas; 01 / 2012

Preferred services of assistive robots for elderly: Results of user studies within the Florence project

Isken, Melvin and Volkening, Nils and Lowet, Dietwig and Van Heesch, Frank and Van de Wouw, Doortje and Brell, Melina and Hein, Andreas; Gerontechnology; 07 / 2012

Qualitäts- und Sicherheitskriterien bei unaufdringlichen häuslichen Mobilitäts-Assessments mit Hilfe mobiler Serviceroboter

Frenken, Thomas and Isken, Melvin and Volkening, Nils and Brell, Melina and Hein, Andreas; 01 / 2012

Standardized Representation of Medical Data in AAL Applications

Lipprandt, M. and Eichelberg, M. and Hein, A.; Proceedings of the 2nd International Living Usability Lab Workshop on AAL Latest Solutions, Trends and Applications; 02 / 2012

Umsetzung eines Konzepts zum Schutz von personenbezogenen Gesundheitsdaten für eine AAL-Plattform

Helmer, Axel and Steen, Enno-Edzard and Rölker-Denker, Lars and Eichelberg, Marco and Hein, Andreas; Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI); 10 / 2012



3DLC: A Comprehensive Model for Personal Health Records Supporting New Types of Medical Applications

Helmer,Axel and Lipprandt, Myriam and Frenken, Thomas and Eichelberg, Marco and Hein, Andreas; J Healthcare Engineering; 09 / 2011

A Retrospective View of a Rehabilitation Homecare Scenario for Cardiac Patients

Koslowski, Oliver and Lipprandt, Myriam and Busch, Clemens and Eichelberg, Marco and Müller, Frerk and Willemsen, Detlev and Ertürkmen, Gökçe Banu Laleci and Dogac, Asuman and Hein, Andreas; Handbook of Digital Homecare; 10 / 2011

aTUG: Fully-automated Timed Up and Go Assessment Using Ambient Sensor Technologies

Frenken, Thomas and Vester, Björn and Brell, Melina and Hein, Andreas; 05 / 2011

Empowering Patients through Personal Health Records: A Survey of Existing Third-Party Web-Based PHR Products

Helmer,Axel and Lipprandt, Myriam and Frenken, Thomas and Eichelberg Marco and Hein, Andreas; 11 / 2011

Empowering Patients through Personal Health Records: A Survey of Existing Third-Party Web-Based PHR Products

Helmer, Axel and Lipprandt, Myriam and Frenken, Thomas and Eichelberg, Marco and Hein, Andreas; Electronic Journal of Health Informatics; 01 / 2011

Enhancing Mobile Robots' Navigation through Mobility Assessment in Domestic Environments

Isken, Melvin and Frenken, Thomas and Vester, Björn and Steen, Enno E. and Brell, Melina and Hein, Andreas; 01 / 2011

Guideline-Driven Telemonitoring and Follow-up of Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Devices using IEEE 11073, HL7 & IHE Profiles

Yang, Maohua and Chronaki, Catherine E. and Lüpkes, Christian and Thiel, Andreas and Plößnig, Manuela and Hinterbuchner, Lynne and Arbelo, Elena and Banu Laleci,Gokce and Kabak, Yildiray and Duarte, Fernandez and Guillén, Alejandra and Navarro, Xavier and Dogac, Asuman and Eichelberg, Marco and H; 12 / 2011

IDEAAL, der Mensch im Mittelpunkt

Kröger, Tobias and Brell, Melina and Myriam Lipprandt and Frerk Müller and Axel Helmer and Hein, Andreas; 01 / 2011

Integration of Medical Models in Personal Health Records Using the Example of Rehabilitation Training for Cardiopulmonary Patients

Helmer, Axel and Kretschmer, Friedrich and Eichelberg, Marco and Deparade, Riana and Hein, Andreas and Marschollek, Michael and Tegtbur, Uwe ; 2011 4th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI); 10 / 2011

Integration of medical models in personal health records using the example of rehabilitation training for cardiopulmonary patients.

Axel Helmer, Friedrich Kretschmer, Frerk Müller, Marco Eichelberg, Riana Deparade, Uwe Tegtbur, Michael Marschollek, Andreas Hein ; 4th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics; 10 / 2011

Motion Pattern Generation and Recognition for Mobility Assessments in Domestic Environments

Frenken, Thomas and Steen, Enno-E. and Brell, Melina and Nebel, Wolfgang and Hein, Andreas ; Proceedings of the 1st International Living Usability Lab Workshop on AAL Latest Solutions, Trends and Applications. In conjunction with BIOSTEC 2011.; 06 / 2011

Online Adaptive Physiological Models for Dialysis Therapy

Pielawa, Lukas and Brell, Melina and Hein, Andreas; Biomed Tech; 06 / 2011

Open Source Tools for Standardized Privacy Protection of Medical Images

Lien, Chung-Yueh and Onken, Michael and Eichelberg, Marco and Kao, Tsair and Hein, Andreas; Proceedings SPIE; 02 / 2011

Robot interaction with domestic environments considering AAL services and smart home technologies

Frenken, Thomas and Isken, Melvin and Brell, Melina and Hein, Andreas; 07 / 2011

Software Tools for DICOM Media Exchange in Clinical Research: the SWABIK project

ElGazzar, Omar and Onken, Michael and Eichelberg, Marco and Hein, Andreas; International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery; 06 / 2011

System Architecture for Palliative Care in the Home Environment

Baumgartner, Hannah and Gaefke, Christiane and Brell, Melina and Hein, Andreas; 06 / 2011

The organizational learning cube. - Adopting the data cube model for analzing organizational learning in healtcare organizations and networks

Rölker-Denker, Lars and Eichelberg, Marco and Hein, Andreas; Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Health (ICICTH2011); 07 / 2011

Virtual Prototype of a Personal Medical Device – Simulation of a Multi Nature System

Pielawa, Lukas and Poppen, Frank and Hein, Andreas; 02 / 2011



3D-Trajectory Control for Quadrocopter

Puls, Tim and Hein, Andreas; 10 / 2010

A Mobile Robot for Self-selected Gait Velocity Assessments in Assistive Environments

Brell, Melina and Frenken, Thomas and Meyer, Jochen and Hein, Andreas; PETRA'10; 06 / 2010

A sensor-enhanced health information system to support automatically controlled exercise training of COPD patients - Concept and Prototype

Axel Helmer, Bianying Song, Wolfram Ludwig, Mareike Schulze, Marco Eichelberg, Andreas Hein, Uwe Tegtbur, Riana Kayser, Reinhold Haux, Michael Marschollek; Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth), 2010 4th International Conference on-NO PERMISSIONS; 05 / 2010

Assistive Technologies for Supporting People with Dementia

Frenken, Thomas and Brell, Melina and Eichelberg, Marco and Gietzelt, Matthias and Martens, Birger and Meyer, Eike Michael and Spehr, Jens and Wilken, Olaf and Hein, Andreas; 03 / 2010

Automatisierte Viskoelastizitäts- und Rauigkeitsmessungen zur Frühdiagnose bei Arthrose.

Brell, Melina and Isken, Melvin and Hein, Andreas; 10 / 2010

Clinical Decision Support with Guidelines and Bayesian Networks

Nee, Oliver and Hein, Andreas ; Advances in Decision Support Systems; 04 / 2010

Ein System zur eskalierenden Notruf- und Informationsweiterleitung vom Heimumfeld älterer Menschen zu externen Anwendern

Helmer, Axel and Eichelberg, Marco and Meis, Markus and Gietzelt, Matthias and Wilken, Olaf and Hein, Andreas; Tagungsband Ambient Assisted Living; 01 / 2010

Monitoring systems for the support of home care

Hein, Andreas and Winkelbach, Simon and Martens, Birger and Wilken, Olaf and Eichelberg, Marco and Spehr, Jens and Gietzelt, Matthias and Wolf, Klaus-Hendrik and Büsching, Felix and Hülsken-Giesler, Manfred and Meis, Markus and Okken, Petra; Informatics for Health and Social Care; 12 / 2010

PAGE - Assistierende Gesundheitstechnologien in Gesundheitsnetzwerken: Koordinationsprobleme und deren Überwindung - PAGE – Health Enabling Technologies in Health Care Networks: Coordination Problems and Solutions

Hellrung, Nils and Haux, Reinhold and Gusew, Nathalie and Ludwig, Wolfram and Frenken, Thomas and Hein, Andreas and Lipprandt, Myriam and Thoben, Wilfried and Gövercin, Mehmet and Mersmann, Sebastian and Steinhagen-Thiessen, Elisabeth and Koczula, Grzegorz and Schultz, Carsten and Kluthe, Ralf; Ambient Assisted Living 2010; 01 / 2010

Physiologische Überwachung in der Nierenersatztherapie

Pielawa, Lukas and Hein, Andreas; 09 / 2010

Precise Assessment of Self-Selected Gait Velocity in Domestic Environments

Frenken, Thomas and Gövercin, Mehmet and Mersmann, Sebastian and Hein, Andreas; Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth); 03 / 2010

Robotergestütztes Mobilitäts-Assessment für Rehabilitation und Geriatrie

Isken, Melvin and Frenken, Thomas and Brell, Melina and Hein, Andreas; 09 / 2010

Selbstbestimmt im letzten Lebensjahr: AAL-Technologien im Kontext der End-of-Life-Care - Self-determined in the Last Year of One’s Life:Assisting Technologies for Domestic End-of-Life-Care

Frenken, T. and Baumgartner, H. and Scheve, Ch. and Meyer, J. and Ulbts, J. and Hein, A.; Ambient Assisted Living 2010; 01 / 2010

Technical Approaches to Unobtrusive Geriatric Assessments in Domestic Environments

Frenken, Thomas and Wilken, Olaf and Hein, Andreas; Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Behaviour Monitoring and Interpretation, BMI'10, Karlsruhe, Germany, September 21, 2010; 09 / 2010

Technologieunabhängige Geräteintegration des OSAmI-Projekts

Gorath, Torsten and Eichelberg, Marco and Hein, Andreas and Zeeb, Elmar and Golatowski, Frank and Timmermann, Dirk; Tagungsband Ambient Assisted Living, 3. Deutscher Kongress mit Ausstellung: Assistenzsysteme im Dienste des Menschen – zuhause und unterwegs, 26. – 27. Januar 2010 in Berlin; 01 / 2010

The GAL Middleware Platform for AAL - a Case Study

Eichelberg, Marco and Hein, Andreas and Büsching, Felix and Wolf, Lars; Proceedings First International Workshop on AAL Service Platforms (WASP 2010), Lyon, France, July 2, 2010; 09 / 2010

The Lower Saxony Research Network Design of Environments for Ageing (GAL) - Towards Interdisciplinary Research on ICT in Ageing Societies

Haux, Reinhold and Hein, Andreas and Eichelberg, Marco and Appell, Jens-E. and Appelrath, Hans-Jürgen and Bartsch, Christian and Bisitz, Thomas and Bitzer, Jörg and Blau, Matthias and Boll, Susanne and Buschermöhle, Michael and Büsching, Felix and Erdmann, Birte and Fachinger, Uwe and Felber, Jul; Informatics for Health and Social Care; 12 / 2010

Unaufdringliche Mobilitäts-Trendanalyse im häuslichen Umfeld

Steen, Enno-Edzard and Frenken, Thomas and Eichelberg, Marco and Hein, Andreas; APS+PC-Nachrichten; 12 / 2010



A fitting Method for Headphones to compensate individual Hearing Impairments

Baumgartner, Hannah and Schulz, Arne and Hein, Andreas and Holube, Inga and Herzke, Tobias; Proceedings of the 3rd International ICST Conferenceon Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare; 01 / 2009

A Service Oriented Platform for Health Services and Ambient Assisted Living

Hein, Andreas and Eichelberg, Marco and Nee, Oliver and Schulz, Arne and Helmer, Axel and Lipprandt, Myriam; 12 / 2009

Aktivitätsbestimmung und Datenerhebung von älteren Menschen basierend auf der Nutzung elektrischer Geräte

Hein, Andreas and Martens, Birger and Wilken, Olaf and Hülsken-Giesler, Manfred and Remmers, Hartmut; 10 / 2009

Bestimmung von Verhaltensmustern basierend auf der Nutzung elektrischer Geräte

Wilken, Olaf and Huelsman, Nils and Hein, Andreas; Proceedings 2. Deutscher AAL-Kongress; 01 / 2009

Der Niedersächsische Forschungsverbund Gestaltung altersgerechter Lebenswelten: Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik zur Gewinnung und Aufrechterhaltung von Lebensqualität, Gesundheit und Selbstbes

Eichelberg, Marco and Appell, Jens-E. and Boll, Susanne and Fachinger, Uwe and Haux, Reinhold and Hein, Andreas and Huber, Rainer and Künemund, Harald and Marschollek, Michael and Nebel, Wolfgang and Neyer, Franz J. and Remmers, Hartmut and Meinhar; Proceedings 2. Deutscher AAL-Kongress (Ambient Assisted Living); 01 / 2009

GPS-based Position Control and Waypoint Navigation System for Quadrocopters

Puls, Tim and Kemper, Markus and Küke, Reimund and Hein, Andreas; 10 / 2009

Interaction of Altitude Control and Waypoint Navigation of a 4 Rotor Helicopter

Puls, Tim and Winkelmann, Hannes and Brucke, Matthias and Hein, Andreas; Advances in Robotics Research; 06 / 2009

IT-unterstützte kardiologische Tele-Rehabilitation im häuslichen Umfeld

Lipprandt, M. and Helmer, A. and Nee, O. and Eichelberg, M. & Hein, A.; Lecture Notes in Informatics. INFORMATIK 2009 - Im Focus das Leben; 05 / 2009

Kardiale Telerehabilitation auf Basis einer flexiblen Plattform für verteilte Systeme - das OSAmI-D-Projekt

Busch, Clemens and Lipprandt, Myriam and Gorath, Torsten and Hein, Andreas and Litvina, Anna and Stewing, Franz-Josef and Willemsen, Detlev; e-Health 2010; 12 / 2009

Multimediazentrale als Hörunterstützung im häuslichen Umfeld

Schulz, Arne and Baumgartner, Hannah and Müller, Frerk and Hein, Andreas; 09 / 2009

Multisensor Soft Tissue Navigation for the Controlled Guidance in Intra-Cardiac Microsurgery

Brell, M. and Isken, M. and Hein, A. and Dahmen, C. and Tunnell, R. and Wortmann, T. and Sill, A. and Fatikow, S. and Bombien, R. and Lutter, G. and Leester-Schädel, M. and Büttgenbach, S.; Surgery, Mimimal Invasive Interventions, Endoscopy and Image Guided Therapy; 09 / 2009

OSAMI Commons: Eine Softwareplattform für flexible verteilte Dienstesysteme über Geräten und eingebetteten Systemen

Eichelberg, Marco and Stewing, Franz-Josef and Thronicke, Wolfgang and Hackbarth, Kai and Seufert, Manuel and Busch, Clemens and Hein, Andreas and Krumm, Heiko and Ditze, Michael and Golatowski, Frank; Proceedings 2. Deutscher AAL-Kongress 2009; 01 / 2009

OSAMI-D: An Open Service Platform for Healthcare Monitoring Applications

Lipprandt, Myriam and Eichelberg, Marco and Thronicke, Wolfgang and Kruger, Jan and Druke, Isabell and Willemsen, Detlev and Busch, Clemens and Fiehe, Christoph and Zeeb, Elmar and Hein, Andreas; Proceedings 2nd International Conference on Human System Interaction (HSI'09); 05 / 2009

Selffitting system for user with sensorineural hearing loss to fit TV-headsets on their own

Baumgartner, Hannah and Schulz, Arne and Hein, Andreas and Holube, Inga and Herzke, Tobias; 01 / 2009

Supervised training with wireless monitoring of ECG, blood pressure and oxygen-saturation in cardiac patients

Busch, Clemens and Baumbach, Christian and Willemsen, Detlev and Nee, Oliver and Gorath, Thorsten and Hein, Andreas and Scheffold, Tomas; 01 / 2009

Tactile Guidance in Multimodal Computer Navigated Surgery

Brell, Melina and Hein, Andreas; IEEE Potentials Magazine; 07 / 2009

Verbesserte Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten in der häuslichen Umgebung - Improved Communication in a Home Environment

Baumgartner, Hannah and Schulz, Arne and Hein, Andreas and Holube, Inga and Herzke, Tobias; 01 / 2009



Cardiac Tele-Rehabilitation with the SAPHIRE System

Nee, Oliver and Hein, Andreas and Ludwig, Ralf and Willemsen, Detlev and Busch, Clemens and Scheffold, Thomas; Proceedings of Med-e-Tel 2008; 04 / 2008

Fusion of Vibrotactile Signals used in a Tactile Display in Computer Aided Surgery

Brell, Melina and Roßkamp, Dirk and Hein, Andreas; Haptics: Perception, Devices and Scenarios.; 05 / 2008

Kabellose Signalübertragung für taktile chirurgische Navigation

Brell, Melina and Isken, Melvin and Hein, Andreas; 09 / 2008

Niedersächsischer Forschungsverbund Gestaltung altersgerechter Lebenswelten (GAL) : Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik zur Gewinnung und Aufrechterhaltung von Lebensqualität,Gesundheit und Selbst

Haux, Reinhold and Appell, Jens-E. and Appelrath, Hans-Jürgen and Boll, Susanne and Eichelberg, Marco and Fachinger, Uwe and Gövercin, Mehmet and Hein, Andreas and Heuten, Wilko and Hohmann, Volker and Huber, Rainer and Hülsken-Giesler, Manfred; 12 / 2008



conTACT - A Vibrotactile Display for Computer Aided Surgery

Brell, Melina and Hein, Andreas; 03 / 2007

European Conference on eHealth 2007

Hein, Andreas and Thoben, Wilfried and Appelrath, Hans-Jürgen and Jensch, Peter; 01 / 2007

Evaluation of the intuitive control system for an interactive robotic system

Brell, Melina and Lenze, Carsten and Hein, Andreas; GMS Current Topics in Computer- and Robot-Assisted Surgery (GMS CURAC); 07 / 2007

Hearing at Home

Appell, J.E. and Hohmann, V. and Schulz, A. and Hein, A.; Fortschritte der Akustik - - DAGA \ , 2007; 03 / 2007

Positioning Tasks in Multimodal Computer-Navigated Surgery

Brell, Melina and Hein, Andreas; IEEE MultiMedia; 09 / 2007

SAPHIRE: Intelligent Healthcare Monitoring based on Semantic Interoperability Platform - Pilot Applications

Nee, Oliver and Hein, Andreas and Gorath, Thorsten and Hulsmann, Nils and Laleci, Gokce B. and Yuksel, Mustafa and Olduz, Mehmet and Tasyurt, Ibrahim and Orhan, Umut and Dogac, Asuman and Fruntelata, Ana and Ghiorghe, Silvin and Ludwig, Ralf; IEE Proceedings Communications-Special Issue on Telemedicine and e-Health Communication Systems; 01 / 2007

Tele-monitoring and Assistant System for People with Hearing Deficiencies: First Results from a User Requirement Study

Meis, M. and Appell, J.--E. and Hohmann, V. and v. Son, N. and Frowein, H. and Oester, A.-M. and Hein, A.; European Conference on eHealth 2007; 01 / 2007



3-D-Reconstruction from C-Arm X-Ray Images for Register-Free Navigation in Neurosurgery

Kirschstein, Uwe and Kötters, Jens and Javad Mirzayan, M. and Hein, Andreas and Krauss, Joachim K.; Tagungsband; 10 / 2006

Angiographic 3-D Blood Flow Measurement : Concept and Preliminary Experiments

Kirschstein, Uwe and Kronberg, Kay and Hein, Andreas; CURAC; 10 / 2006

Navigated Imaging for Neurosurgery

Kirschstein, Uwe and Hein, Andreas; IEEE Intl. Conf. on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob); 02 / 2006

SAPHIRE - Intelligent Healthcare Monitoring based on Semantic Interoperability Platform - The Homecare Scenario

Hein, Andreas and Nee, Oliver and Willemsen, Detlev and Scheffold, Thomas and Dogac, Asuman and Laleci, Gokce Banu; Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on eHealth (ECEH); 10 / 2006



Concept and Preliminary Experiments of Navigated Imaging with an Electromagnetic Position Measurement System

Kirschstein, Uwe and Kronberg, Kay and Hein, Andreas; CURAC; 09 / 2005



Measurement of cardiovascular structures in angiographic images with navigated imaging

Kirschstein, Uwe and Lenze, Carsten and Kronberg, Kay and Hein, Andreas; CURAC; 10 / 2004

Navigated Imaging for Angiography - Concept and Calibration

Hein, Andreas and Kirschstein, Uwe; IEEE Intl. Conf. on Mechatronics and Robotics (MechRob); 01 / 2004


von Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Hein



Augmented Auditive Intelligence

Laufzeit: 2021 - 2024


European Next Generation Ambient Assisted Living Innovation Alliance

Laufzeit: 2011 - 2014


Automatische Aktivitätserkennung und Notfallmeldung als Ergänzung von Hausnotrufsystemen

Laufzeit: 2012 - 2013


Entwicklung von Produkt-Service-Systemen in der Tele-Audiologie

Laufzeit: 2017 - 2021



Begründungs- und Bewertungsmaßstäbe von Robotik für die Pflege

Laufzeit: 2019 - 2022



CARESS Clinical and Epidemiological Cancer Data Warehouse System and Tooling

Laufzeit: 1996 - -0001


Cross-border Health Data Compass as Basis for Comparative Studies (CHDC, SP1) | Teilprojekt von: Comparison of healthcare structures, processes and outcomes in the Northern German and Dutch cross-border region. (Phase I. CHARE-GD I)

Laufzeit: 2021 - 2024


Technische Unterstützung ambulanter Palliativversorgung

Laufzeit: 2012 - 2015


Cross-Industry Transformation in Agriculture and Health

Laufzeit: 2023 - 2025



Developing AI ecosystems improving diagnosis and care of mental diseases

Laufzeit: 2023 - 2025


Normierung und Beratung für Medizinische Bildkommunikation

Laufzeit: 1993 - open


Digitalisierte Dienstleistungen im Bereich der Ernährungsberatung von Personengruppen mit erhöhten gesundheitlichen Risiken bei Fehlernährung

Laufzeit: 2016 - 2019



eHealth Standards and Profiles in Action for Europe and Beyond

Laufzeit: 2015 - 2017


Extremitätenboards zur Prozessoptimierung, Evaluation, Risikominimierung und Therapieoptimierung bei Frakturen mit Weichteilschäden oder post-operativer Infektion der unteren Extremitäten im Traumanetzwerk

Laufzeit: 2022 - 2025



Multi Purpose Robot for Ambient Assisted Living

Laufzeit: 2010 - 2013


GAiST - Kasper

Glücklich Altern mit Smart Living Technologie

Laufzeit: 2024 - 2026


Gestaltung altersgerechter Lebenswelten

Laufzeit: 2008 - 2013


Health Assistant

A platform for everyday-use towards a healthy and preventive lifestyle

Laufzeit: 2011 - 2011

Hearing at Home

Laufzeit: 2006 - 2009


Healthcare Interoperability Testing and Conformance Harmonisation

Laufzeit: 2010 - 2011



Integrated Development Environment for AAL

Laufzeit: 2004 - open


Effiziente Einleitung von Notfallinterventionen mit Hilfe intelligenter Notfallerkennungssysteme bei allein lebenden Senioren

Laufzeit: 2022 - 2026


Intelligentes Leben, Wohnen und Arbeiten im Alter

Laufzeit: 2005 - 2008



Observatorium der Gesundheitsrisiken

Laufzeit: 2011 - -0001


Ein autonom lernendes Automatisierungssystem für nachhaltiges und altersgerechtes Wohnen

Laufzeit: 2015 - 2018


Wohnquartiere neu gedacht – Service-gesteuert: lebensnah, integrativ, intelligent, innovativ

Laufzeit: 2018 - 2021


Automatisierte Gesundheitsberichterstattung und Überwachung meldepflichtiger Infektionskrankheiten

Laufzeit: 2002 - -0001



Medical Care Evolution

Laufzeit: 2015 - 2018


Mehr Sicherheit für die häusliche Beatmungspflege

Laufzeit: 2017 - 2020


Metrological Evaluation and Testing of Robots in International Competitions

Laufzeit: 2020 - 2023


Laufzeit: 2011 - 2012


Miniaturisierter Defibrillator mit telemedizinischer Anbindung

Laufzeit: 2019 - 2022


Entwicklung eines telemedizinischen Versorgungsmodells für Demenzkranke in der häuslichen Umgebung

Laufzeit: 2012 - 2013


Multidimensional Statistical Data Analysis Engine

Laufzeit: 2003 - -0001



Nanogranulare Sensoren für personenbezogenes Quecksilber-Monitoring

Laufzeit: 2016 - 2017


ICT-fähige tragbare künstliche Niere und personalisiertes System zur Behandlung Nierenkranker

Laufzeit: 2010 - 2014


Niedersächsische Kommunalwahlergebnisse von 1996-2017: Entwicklung und Anwendung einer neuen Datenbasis für die empirische Kommunalwahlforschung

Laufzeit: 2016 - 2018



Multiple Vernetzung von Alltagsgegenständen über 60GHz-Label

Laufzeit: 2019 - 2023


Optimierte Pfadplanung für komplexe und individualisierte Paketflüsse

Laufzeit: 2023 - 2025


Sichere dynamische Vernetzung in Operationssaal und Klinik

Laufzeit: 2012 - 2016


Open Source Ambient Intelligence

Laufzeit: 2008 - 2011



Intelligente technische Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten in der häuslichen Versorgung für Menschen in ihrem letzten Lebensjahr

Laufzeit: 2009 - 2012


Plattform zur Integration technologiebasierter Gesundheitsdienstleistungen in Gesundheitsnetzwerke

Laufzeit: 2008 - 2011



Laufzeit: 2017 - 2022


Verteilte Rechenplattform für radarbasierte 3D-Umgebungserfassung im sicheren autonomen Fahren

Laufzeit: 2022 - 2025


Modular Specialisations for Point-of-Care Medical Devices

Laufzeit: 2019 - 2020



Vernetztes Wohnen im Quartier mit Demenz

Laufzeit: 2015 - 2018



Roadmap AAL- Interoperabilität

Laufzeit: 2011 - 2013


Entwicklung eines Regionalmonitoring-Dashboards

Laufzeit: 2016 - 2017


Reduktion körperlicher Belastungen von Handwerksberufen durch optimierte Exoskelette

Laufzeit: 2022 - 2025



Scalable, Standard based Interoperability Framework for Sustainable Proactive Post Market Safety Studies

Laufzeit: 2012 - 2015


Intelligent Healthcare Monitoring based on Semantic Interoperability Platform

Laufzeit: 2006 - 2008

Secur-e-Health - SFC

Secur-e-Health – Smart Fracture Care

Laufzeit: 2021 - 2024


Sequential Pattern Mining und Pattern Matching von Krankheits- und Behandlungsverläufen für klinische Krebsregister

Laufzeit: 2021 - 2024


Sensoranzug zur individuellen Rückmeldung körperlicher Aktivität

Laufzeit: 2014 - 2017


Expert Network for Sceletal Dysplasia

Laufzeit: 2008 - -0001

Stroke OWL

Sektorübergreifend organisiertes Versorgungsmanagement komplexer chronischer Erkrankungen am Beispiel Schlaganfall durch Schlaganfall-Lotsen in der Pilotregion Ostwestfalen-Lippe

Laufzeit: 2017 - 2021


Software- Werkzeuge für den Austausch von Bilddatenträgern in der klinischen Forschung

Laufzeit: 2010 - 2012



Therapie-Begleitung und –Analyse für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie

Laufzeit: 2023 - 2026


Trillium Bridge Two - Reinforcing the Bridges and Scaling up EU/US Cooperation on Patient Summery

Laufzeit: 2017 - 2019



Verbesserung von Arbeitsbedingungen in der ambulanten Pflege durch innovative Arbeitskonzepte in der Region

Laufzeit: 2021 - 2024


Die digitale Gesundheitsbegleitung

Laufzeit: 2013 - 2015


Versorgung, Versorgungsbedarf und Versorgungsbedürfnisse von Personen nach einer Krebserkrankung im Kindes- oder Jugendalter

Laufzeit: 2020 - 2024



Werkzeuge und Methoden zur Erstellung kleinräumiger Bevölkerungsprognosen und Wirkungsszenarien

Laufzeit: 2017 - 2020