Prof. Dr. Sabine Baumann Wissenschaftliche Leiterin

Prof. Dr. Sabine Baumann

Position im OFFIS

Wissenschaftliche Leiterin



Position an der Uni

Professorin für Digital Business an der HWR Berlin


Production Networks: Smart Manufacturing, Value Creation Networks, Social Media in Manufacturing, Big Data Analytics

Networks in the Media: Social Network Analysis, Crowd Sourcing, Media Branding

Strategic Management: Digitization, IT Strategy, Network Management
Prof. Dr. Sabine Baumann holds a full professorship for Business Administration at Jade University and is Adjunct Professor for Industrial Engineering at Texas Tech University. She teaches courses on master and bachelor level in Management, Information Technology, Media, and Production Management. She holds a doctoral degree from the faculty of Business Administration and Economics, a Master’s degree (Diplom-Kauffrau) in Business Administration (Production Management, Business Informatics and Operations Research) and a Master’s Degree (Magistra Artium) in English Literature, Linguistics, and Philosophy, all from Paderborn University, as well as a Diploma in Economics from Trent Polytechnic Nottingham (now Nottingham Trent University).

Before rejoining academia she worked for Bertelsmann, Germany’s largest media conglomerate, in various positions including Director of their Content Management Competence Center. She joined the division of Corporate Information Systems at Bertelsmann mediaSystems (now arvato systems) as application developer and consultant in the music and publishing divisions. She became a founding member of an advisory group on content management. She grew the group to a Content Management Competence Center that she then headed as Director. The Competence Center develops cross-media publishing solutions for international media organisations in book and magazine publishing, music and TV. As technical project manager she supervised the development of an issues management platform for Bertelsmann‘s Corporate Communication. The resulting IM-Net received the German Public Relations Award.

Prof. Dr. Sabine Baumann's professional experience also covers project management and consulting services for SMEs in the areas of IT Strategy, Quality Management and Smart Manufacturing. She has served Wedel University for six years as Head of the International Office and Jade University for three years in the position of Dean of Studies.

Prof. Dr. Baumann is well connected with her field. She was recently elected as Vice Head/Convention Program Chair of the Media Management, Economics & Entrepreneurship (MMEE) Division of the Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication (AEJMC) and is a Board Member of the European Media Management Association (emma). She is Editorial Board member of the Journal of Media Business Studies (JoMBS) and The Journal of Media Innovations (JoMI) and acts as reviewer for various journals and conferences.

Her research areas, in which she has published extensively and presented her work at conferences, are all interdisciplinary, involving either changes in business models due to new technologies or the strategic exploitation of network structures.

+49 30 30877-1189


Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
Berlin School of Economics and Law
Badensche Straße 52
D-10825 Berlin

von Prof. Dr. Sabine Baumann


AI: A cure for Baumol’s disease?

Doyle, G./ Baumann, S.; August / 2024

Digital business ecosystems for digital spare parts

Baumann, Sabine; Leerhoff, Marcel; Handbook on Digital Platforms and Business Ecosystems in Manufacturing; 2024



Smart digital retrofitting in manufacturing operations for sustainable Industry 4.0 implementation

Baumann, Sabine and Bellagarda, Andrea and Franze, Claudia and Merlino, Alessandro and Pesce, Danilo and Walter, Jörg; Euroma Conference 2023; 2023

When Industry 4.0 meets World Class Manufacturing: Developing a Smart Digital Retrofitting Strategy for Sustainable Manufacturing Operations

Baumann, Sabine / Bellagarda, Andrea / Franzè, Claudia / Merlino, Alessandro / Pesce, Danilo / Walter, Jörg; Proceedings of the 2023 Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute; 2023


Digital Business Ecosystems for Digital Spare Parts

Sabine Baumann, Marcel Leerhoff; 2022

Digital platform ecosystems in additive manufacturing

Sabine Baumann, Marcel Leerhoff; 2022

Networks, platforms, and digital business ecosystems: mapping the development of a field

Baumann, Sabine and Leerhoff, Marcel; Handbook on Digital Business Ecosystems; 2022

Networks, platforms, and digital business ecosystems: mapping the development of a field

Sabine Baumann, Marcel Leerhoff; Handbook on Digital Business Ecosystems: Strategies, Platforms, Technologies, Governance and Societal Challenges; 2022



Artificial Intelligence as Enabler for Sustainable Development

Ray Walshe, Ansgar Koene, Sabine Baumann, Massimo Panella, Leandros Maglaras, Francisco Medeiros; 2021

No more flat tires: Overcoming data defects to achieve supply chain resilience

Alexandra Pehlken, Sabine Baumann; IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC) 2021; June / 2021


Datengetriebene Geschäftsmodelle und ihre Wertschöpfungsstrukturen in der digitalen Produktion

Baumann, Sabine; Digitales Niedersachsen - Chancen, Risiken, Nachhaltigkeit; 2020

Urban Mining: Applying Digital Twins for Sustainable Product Cascade Use

Prof. Dr. Sabine Baumann, Dr. Alexandra Pehlken; 2020 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC); 09 / 2020

Urban Mining: Applying Digital Twins for Sustainable Product Cascade Use

Prof. Dr. Sabine Baumann, Dr. Alexandra Pehlken; 2020


Origins, Evolution, and Prospects of Digital Business Transformation: A Bibliometric Analysis

Peter, Patrick and Baumann, Sabine; Proceedings of the 10th European (EDSI) Decision Sciences Institute Conference ‘Decision Sciences in a connected World’, Nottingham (UK); 2019



Towards a Process Reference Model for the Information Value Chain in IoT Applications

Christoph Wunck and Sabine Baumann; Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE European Technology and Engineering Management Summit (E-TEMS) “Digital Transformation for Advanced Manufacturing – Managing Technological Challenges”, Munich, Germany; 2018

von Prof. Dr. Sabine Baumann



Circular Integration of independent Reverse supply Chains for the smart reUse of IndusTrially relevant Semiconductors

Laufzeit: 2023 - 2025