Dr. rer. pol. Oliver Werth Senior Researcher, Gruppenleiter "Entwurf und Bewertung standardisierter Systeme"

Dr. rer. pol. Oliver Werth

Position im OFFIS

Senior Researcher, Gruppenleiter "Entwurf und Bewertung standardisierter Systeme"


Energie / Entwurf und Bewertung standardisierter Systeme


+49 441 9722-255


von Dr. rer. pol. Oliver Werth


CyTRI – Fostering Security Measures Against Emerging Cyber Threats

Azamat, M., Werth, O. & Uslar, M.; Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2024); June / 2024

Open Science - Towards Greater Transparency and Openness in Science

Alexander Maedche, Edona Elshan, Hartmut Höhle, Christiane Lehrer, Jan Recker, Ali Sunyaev, Benjamin Sturm, Oliver Werth ; Business & Information Systems Engineering; März / 2024


Current Insights From Task Area 1 in NFDI4Energy: Building and Serving the Energy Research Community

Werth, Oliver and Ferenz, Stephan and Niesse, Astrid and German, Reinhard and Huelck, Ludwig and Weinhardt, Christof and Vogel, Berthold; Proceedings of the Conference on Research Data Infrastructure; September / 2023

Nationale Dateninfrastruktur für die interdisziplinäre Energiesystemforschung und-praxis

Oliver Werth, Stephan Ferenz, Astrid Nieße; Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft; Dezember / 2023


An Open Digital Platform to Support Interdisciplinary Energy Research and Practice—Conceptualization

Ferenz, Stephan and Ofenloch, Annika and Penaherrera Vaca, Fernando and Wagner, Henrik and Werth, Oliver and Breitner, Michael H. and Engel, Bernd and Lehnhoff, Sebastian and Nieße, Astrid; Energies; 2022

Requirements for an Open Digital Platform for Interdisciplinary Energy Research and Practice

Werth, Oliver; Ferenz, Stephan; Nieße, Astrid; Wirtschaftsinformatik 2022 Proceedings; 02 / 2022


Development of Scenarios for Modelling of Districts’ Energy Supply and Analysis of Interdependencies between Energy and ICT

Fernando Peñaherrera V., Henrik Wagner, Sarah Fayed, Oliver Werth, Stephan Ferenz, Jana Gerlach, Tobias Lege, Annika Ofenloch, Thomas Poppinga, Catharina Siemer, Michael Breitner, Bernd Engel, Lars Kühl, Sebastian Lehnhoff1, Astrid Nieße, Johannes Rolink, Sven Rosinger, and Frank Schuldt; Energy Informatics and Electro Mobility ICT; 2021

ZLE Open Science Declaration

Ferenz, Stephan and Penaherrera Vaca, Fernando Andres and Wagner, Henrik and Eckhoff, Sarah and Fayed, Sarah and Lege, Tobias and Ofenloch, Annika and Petznik, Jan and Poppinga, Thomas and Werth, Oliver and Breitner, Michael and Engel, Bernd and Kühl, Lars and Lehnhoff, Sebastian and Nieße, Astrid and Rolink, Johannes and Schuldt, Frank; August / 2021