The influence of predictability and frequency of events on the gaze behaviour while driving

Kaul, Robert and Baumann, Martin and Wortelen, Bertram
Human Modelling in Assisted Transportation
One possible reason for rear-end crashes might be that the driver is distractedas the driver does not pay enough attention to the driving task. Thereforeallocation of attention must be appropriate to the demands of the current trafficsituation. According to the SEEV-Model allocation of attention is determined bythe expectancy that there will be new information in a visual channel. Accordingto the model expectancy is determined by the event rate of the information. To investigate to what extent allocation of attention is determined by the absolute frequency of events or by the expected event rate an experiment was conducted in a dynamic driving simulator. The current results show that the predictability of the behaviour of the lead car has a bigger influence on the allocation of visual attention than the frequency of speed changes of a lead car and the frequency of a visual secondary task.
01 / 2011
Integrated Human Modelling and Simulation to support Human Error Analysis of Partially Autonomous Driver Assisatance Systems
P. Carlo Cacciabue, Magnus Hjälmdahl, Andreas Lüdtke, Costanza Riccioli