Safety Evaluation of Automotive Electronics Using Virtual Prototypes: State of the Art and Research Challenges

J.-H. Oetjens, N. Bannow, M. Becker, O. Bringmann, A. Burger, M. Chaari, S. Chakraborty, R. Drechsler, W. Ecker, K. Grüttner, Th. Kruse, C. Kuznik, H. M. Le, A. Mauderer, W. Müller, D. Müller-Gritschneder, F. Poppen, H. Post, S. Reiter, W. Rosenstiel, S. Roth, U. Schlichtmann, A. von Schwerin, B.-A. Tabacaru, A. Viehl
Proceedings of the 51th Design Automation Conference (DAC) 2014, San Francisco, CA, USA
Intelligent automotive electronics significantly improved driving safety in the last decades.With the increasing complexity of automotive systems, dependability of the electronic components themselves and of their interaction must be assured to avoid any risk to driving safety due to unexpected failures caused by internal or external faults. Additionally, Virtual Prototypes (VPs) have been accepted in many areas of system development processes in the automotive industry as platforms for SW development, verification, or design space exploration. We believe that VPs will significantly contribute to the analysis of safety conditions for automotive electronics. This paper shows the advantages of such a methodology based on today's industrial needs, presents the current state of the art in this field, and outlines upcoming research challenges that need to be addressed to make this vision a reality.
6 / 2014
Effiziente Fehlereffektsimulation mit virtuellen Prototypen zur Qualifikation intelligenter Motion-Control-Systeme in der Industrieautomatisierung