I Do. Do I? Understanding User Perspectives on the Privacy Paradox

Jung, Frederike and von Holdt, Kai and Krüger, Ronja and Meyer, Jochen and Heuten, Wilko
25th International Academic Mindtrek Conference
In an increasingly digitized society, apps and technological services are virtually everywhere. Whether finance or fitness, users accept privacy policies and terms of service often, without reading or engaging with them beforehand. Paradoxically, despite this behavior, users voice privacy concerns about their data. In this work, we shed light on the occurrence of this Privacy Paradox, offering suggestions how technology may be designed to support informed privacy decision-making. We followed a three-step method, inspecting user journeys of twenty health and fitness apps, conducting twenty semi-structured interviews with users and analyzing seven state-of-the-art privacy assistant systems. Our work offers three contributions: First, we provide critical reflections on when, how and which privacy information is displayed. Second, we present insights on contrasting user interests regarding e.g. information density and time effort. Third, we derive design recommendations for future privacy communication systems, elaborating on use cases, displayed contents and presentation formats.
November / 2022
Association for Computing Machinery
Academic Mindtrek 2022
Plattform zur Analyse von Datennutzungsbedingungen interaktiver Assistenzsysteme