A domain-specific language for simulation composition

Schütte, Steffen
The SmartGrid, the power grid of the future, is com- prised of a large number of distributed, partially controllable energy consumers and producers that need to be matched to ensure that generation and consumption is balanced. Modelling & Simulation is a powerful approach for analysing and testing such complex systems. In this paper a scenario specification based on a domain-specific language (DSL) is presented which can be used to formally describe simulations and scenarios using these simulations. This formal description, in combination with a simulation framework that is able to interpret the description, allows the automatic composition of the simulations.The DSL has been tested with a lightweight simulation framework developed for a current project that analyses the impact of electric vehicles on the distribution grid. Although this work focuses on the domain of SmartGrids, the DSL-based approach can of course also be applied to other domains.
06 / 2011
Integration der Elektromobilität in bestehende Energie- und Verkehrsnetze.