PIZ Pflegeinnovationszentrum


Securing long-term care is one of the greatest challenges of the future. In the area of long-term care alone, the number of people in need of long-term care as defined by SGB XI will increase by 70% from 2.6 million in 2015 to 4.6 million in 2055. Almost half of this increase will take place by 2030. There will also be an increasing need for long-term care in the area of hospital care and home nursing, i.e. in the SGB V area. At the same time, the labour force potential is declining. If the proportion of the labour force working in long-term care remains constant, there will be a personnel gap of 350 thousand employees (full-time equivalents) in long-term care alone by 2030, compared to today. The use of new technology is a promising way to counter the otherwise expected nursing shortage with innovative approaches to human-technology interaction. The development and use of innovative human-technology interaction solutions are of central importance in ensuring high-quality and needs-oriented care: they can contribute in the various care settings - from long-term care to home care to hospital care - not only to ensuring care in the first place, but also to maintaining the independence, self-determination and quality of life of those in need of care, to supporting care professionals and caregivers as well as caregivers in the care system. The aim is not only to ensure care in general, but also to maintain the independence, self-determination and quality of life of those in need of care, to relieve the burden on care professionals and family caregivers, and thus to open up more space for interpersonal care in care.


The aim of this project is to establish and maintain a competence centre for innovations in care (PIZ), which develops technical innovations to support care, tests products on the market and from research projects, and makes the results available to the professional public and for further education and training in real laboratories. On the one hand, the Nursing Innovation Centre (PIZ) embeds the planned Nursing Practice Centres (PPZ) and thus renowned nursing facilities and maintains a close exchange with the technology and service providers in the nursing sector.

A qualitative survey on challenges and use-cases for robotic assistants in nursing care

Gliesche, Pascal and Kowalski, Christian and Krahn, Tobias and Drolshagen, Sandra and Hein, Andreas and Pfingsthorn, Max; Robots for Assisted Living - IROS'2018 Workshop; 10 / 2018

Integration of Multimodal Alarms into Google Glass: Demo

Cobus, Vanessa and Busse, Steffen and Heuten, Wilko; Proceedings of the 8th ACM International Symposium on Pervasive Displays; 2019

Glass++ Evaluating Multimodal Alarms on Google Glass

Cobus, Vanessa and Busse, Steffen and Heuten, Wilko; Proceedings of Mensch Und Computer 2019; 2019

Erster Vergleich von Eingabegeräten für die Telemanipulation im Pflegekontext

Gliesche, Pascal and Pfingsthorn, Max and Kowalski, Christian and Drolshagen, Sandra and Krahn, Tobias and Hein, Andreas; Zukunft der Pflege Tagungsband der 2. Clusterkonferenz; 2019

The Multifold Use of Virtual Environments in Nursing

Weiß, Sebastian and Kowalski, Christian and Cobus, Vanessa and Heuten, Wilko; Zukunft der Pflege Tagungsband der 2. Clusterkonferenz; 2019

Intuitive human-robot interaction for physical support during nursing activities using myoelectric signals

Kowalski, Christian and Arizpe-Gomez, Pedro and Weiß, Sebastian and Gliesche, Pascal and Hein, Andreas; Zukunft der Pflege Tagungsband der 2. Clusterkonferenz; 2019

Multi low-resolution infrared sensor setup for privacy-preserving unobtrusive indoor localization

Kowalski, Christian and Blohm, Kolja and Weiß, Sebastian and Pfingsthorn, Max and Gliesche, Pascal and Hein, Andreas; ICT4AWE 2019 - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health; 2019

Exploring Stress Creation in VR for Task-Based Training in Nursing

Weiß, Sebastian and Heuten, Wilko; Mensch und Computer 2019-Workshopband; 10 / 2019

Pflege 2050 - Wie die technologische Zukunft der Pflege aussehen könnte

Boll-Westermann, Susanne and Hein, Andreas and Heuten, Wilko and Krahn, Tobias; 10 / 2019

Robotic Assistance in Nursing Care: Survey on Challenges and Scenarios

Gliesche, Pascal and Seibert, Kathrin and Kowalski, Christian and Domhoff, Dominik and Pfingsthorn, Max and Wolf-Ostermann, Karin and Hein, Andreas; International Journal of Biomedical and Biological Engineering; 009 / 2020

Kinesthetic Device vs. Keyboard/Mouse: A Comparison in Home Care Telemanipulation

Gliesche, Pascal and Krick, Tobias and Pfingsthorn, Max and Drolshagen, Sandra and Kowalski, Christian and Hein, Andreas; Frontiers in Robotics and AI; 11 / 2020

Applications of Immersive VR in Nursing Education

Weiß, Sebastian and Bongartz, Hannah and Boll, Susanne and Heuten, Wilko; Tagungsband der 1. Clusterkonferenz 2018 - Innovative Technologien für die Pflege; 2018

Bedarfe für Virtual Reality Basierte Stress Trainings in der Pflege

Weiß, Sebastian and Cobus, Vanessa and Heuten, Wilko; 2. Clusterkonferenz; 2020

aVRaid of Heights? - Exploring Integrated Non-Invasive Sensors For Stress Testing

Weiß, Sebastian and Withoeft, Ani and Heuten, Wilko; Proceedings of ICHI 2020; 2020

Visualization of Eye Tracking Data in Unity3D

Müller, Lisa-Maria and Mandon, Kilian and Gliesche, Pascal and Weiß, Sebastian and Heuten, Wilko; 19th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia; 11 / 2020

Virtual Laboratories for Educating The Public On State-Of-The-Art Health-Care Technology

Weiß, Sebastian and Kowalski, Christian and Gliesche, Pascal and Heuten, Wilko; 19th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia; 2020

Comparison between a Continuous and Proactive Robot Assistance Approach for the Execution of Collaborative Tasks in Nursing Care

Pascal Gliesche, Celia Nieto Agraz, Christian Kowalski, Andreas Hein; ICHI 2020 Conference Proceedings; 12 / 2020

Towards Whole Arm Manipulation for Outpatient Care

Gliesche, Pascal and Kowalski, Christian and Pfingsthorn, Max and Hein, Andreas; Robots for Health and Elderly Care - RoboHEC; 10 / 2020

Towards Physical Human-Robot Interaction using Force Support for Nursing Care Bed Activities

Kowalski, Christian and Gliesche, Pascal and Fifelski-von Böhlen, Conrad and Brinkmann, Anna and Hein, Andreas; Robots for Health and Elderly Care - RoboHEC; 10 / 2020

Towards robotic manipulator assisted positioning in care

Gliesche, P.; Kowalski, C.; Pfingsthorn, M.; Hein, A.; 006 / 2021

Commanding a Whole-Arm Manipulation Grasp Configuration With One Click: Interaction Concept and Analytic IK Method

Gliesche, Pascal and Kowalski, Christian and Pfingsthorn, Max and Hein, Andreas; 2021 30th IEEE International Conference on Robot Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN); 008 / 2021

Handling Comparison between a Human and a Patient Simulator for Nursing Care Related Physical Human-robot Interaction

Kowalski, C., Gliesche, P., Fifelski-von Böhlen, C., Brinkmann, A., & Hein, A.; HEALTHINF; 2021

Effects of Image Realism on the Stress Response in Virtual Reality

Sebastian Weiß, Nelly Klassen, Wilko Heuten; Proceedings of VRST 2021; 12 / 2021

Mixed Reality Collaboration Environment - It's a MiRaClE

Sebastian Weiß, Vanessa Cobus, Wilko Heuten; 09 / 2021

Targeted Conveyance of Clinical Alarms through Bone-Conductive Sound

Lunte, T. and Cobus, V. and Ferdinand, R. and Heuten, W.; 2020 IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI); 0November / 2020

opticARe - Augmented Reality Mobile Patient Monitoring in Intensive Care Units

Kimmel, Simon and Cobus, Vanessa and Heuten, Wilko; Proceedings of the 27th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology; 2021

Geometry-Based Two-Contact Inverse Kinematic Solution for Whole Arm Manipulation

Gliesche, Pascal and Kowalski, Christian and Pfingsthorn, Max and Hein, Andreas; 2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS); 009 / 2021

Effect Of Situation Awareness On Accomplishing Manipulation Tasks in Nursing Care

Vu, Minh Tam, Hinrichs, Pascal and Hein, Andreas; Assistive robots in the real world - IROS'2022 Workshop; 0Oktober / 2022

Analytical Solutions for Two-Contact Whole-Arm Manipulation Inverse Kinematics for Manipulators with Link Offsets

Hinrichs, Pascal and Vu, Minh Tam and Pfingsthorn, Max and Kowalski, Christian and Hein, Andreas; 2022 Sixth IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing; 12 / 2022

A rule-based robotic assistance system providing physical relief for nurses during repositioning tasks at the care bed

Kowalski, Christian and Brinkmann, Anna and Böhlen, Conrad Fifelski-von and Hinrichs, Pascal and Hein, Andreas; International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications; 2022

Inducing Emotional Stress From The Intensive Care Context Using Storytelling In VR

Weiß, Sebastian and Busse, Steffen and Heuten, Wilko; IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR); 0March / 2022

Robots and Norms of Care: A Comparative Analysis of the Reception of Robotic Assistance in Nursing

Matsuzaki, Hironori and Gliesche, Pascal; Social Robots in Social Institutions; 0jan / 2023

Suitability of Virtual Reality for Eye Tracking Studies in a Nursing Context

Gliesche, Pascal and Weiß, Sebastian and Gerdes, Arne and Heuten, Wilko and Hein, Andreas; 5. Clusterkonferenz "Zukunft der Pflege"; 09 / 2022

Don’t Panic! - Influence of Virtual Stressor Representations from the ICU Context on Perceived Stress Levels

Weiß, Sebastian and Heuten, Wilko; Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems; 2023

Potenziale entlastender Assistenzrobotik in der Pflege

Kowalski, Christian and Gliesche, Pascal and Agraz, Celia Nieto and Hein, Andreas; Pflegeinnovationen in der Praxis: Erfahrungen und Empfehlungen aus dem „Cluster Zukunft der Pflege``; 2023

Virtuelle und Erweiterte Realitäten für den Einsatz in der Pflege

Weiß, Sebastian and Kimmel, Simon and Cobus, Vanessa and Boll, Susanne and Heuten, Wilko; Pflegeinnovationen in der Praxis: Erfahrungen und Empfehlungen aus dem „Cluster Zukunft der Pflege``; 2023

A Robotic System to Anchor a Patient in a Lateral Position and Reduce Nurses’ Physical Strain

Hinrichs, Pascal and Seibert, Kathrin and Arizpe Gómez, Pedro and Pfingsthorn, Max and Hein, Andreas; Robotics; 2023

Vorstudie: Subjektive Bewertung des Schutzes der Privatsphäre in einem Telepräsenzszenario mit dem humanoiden Roboter Ameca

Nieto Agraz, Celia and Hinrichs, Pascal and Eichelberg, Marco and Hein, Andreas; Zukunft der Pflege. Tagungsband der 6. Clusterkonferenz 2023; 2023

Erste Ergebnisse der Interaktionsanalyse einer kollaborativen Pflegesituation zur Ableitung kommunikativer Anforderungen an assistive robotische Systeme

Kirsten Harms, Pascal Hinrichs, Kathrin Seibert, Dominik Domhoff, Karin Wolf-Ostermann, Andreas Hein; Zukunft der Pflege. Tagungsband der 6. Clusterkonferenz 2023; 2023

Know-How zu technischen Innovationen bündeln

Meike Ahlers, Kirsten Harms, Tobias Krahn; Die Schwester Der Pfleger; 001 / 2023

Partizipative Technologieforschung und -entwicklung im Pflegeinnovationszentrum

Hein, Andreas; Boll, Susanne; Krahn, Tobias; Heuten, Wilko; Weiß, Sebastian; Hinrichs, Pascal; Domhoff, Dominik; Gockel, Julia; Matsuzaki, Hironori; Landherr, Jan; Westerholt, Stefan; Mit Pflegeinnovationen die Zukunft gestalten – menschlich, professionell, digital.; 2023

Usability of PC-based Dashboards to Control Virtual Reality Training Situations

Sebastian Weiß, Dennis Lindt, Wilko Heuten; Zukunft der Pflege Tagungsband der 6. Clusterkonferenz 2023; 009 / 2023

Touch-free Alarm Acknowledgment for Patient Monitoring Systems in ICUs

Vanessa Cobus, Thomas Neemann, Sebastian Weiß, Wilko Heuten; Tagungsband der 2. Clusterkonferenz 2019; 009 / 2019

Zukunft der Pflege Tagungsband der 6. Clusterkonferenz 2023

Boll, Susanne and Hein, Andreas and Cobus, Vanessa and Hinrichs, Pascal and Kuntz, Simone and Schmeer, Regina and Walzer, Stefan and Wolf-Ostermann, Karin and Zerth, Jürgen ; 009 / 2023



Start: 01.06.2017
End: 31.05.2022

Website of project

Source of funding