Audio-PSS Development of Product Service Systems in Tele Audiology


Decreased hearing is one of the most common functional limitations in old age. Modern hearing systems provide help, but require a period of several weeks of stressful adaptation. State of the art, networked hearing systems that connect the hearing aid to a smartphone enable new solutions, but also lead to fundamental changes in traditional business models in the hearing aid industry.


The Audio-PSS project, therefore, has two objectives: first, to increase the acceptance and comfort of modern hearing systems for the hearing-impaired; and, secondly, to examine new business models in the hearing aid industry. Innovative services based on a networked hearing system are developed and evaluated for this purpose.


Based on hearing situations experienced by the user and the experience of further users, the users of the hearing aids are assisted in the adaptation and long-term use, anytime and everywhere. Furthermore, additional services can be implemented: for example, restaurants or cultural centres with good acoustics can be presented, and noise maps for environmental research or city planning can be created. Using the example of the hearing aid industry, the project shows how the digital transformation can be successfully achieved by means of personal services.


External Leader

Prof. Dr. Carsten Schultz, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Hardware / Software Architecture for Services in the Hearing Aid Industry

Cauchi, B. and Eichelberg, M. and Huewel, A. and Adiloglu, K. and Richter, H. and Typlt, M.; Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf. on E-health Networking, Application & Services (Healthcom); 0September / 2018

A Connected System for the Improvement of Hearing Aids Fitting and Automatic Algorithm Selection

J. Brunnberg and B. Cauchi; 45. Jahrestagung für Akustik (DAGA); 0March / 2019

Non-Intrusive Speech Quality Prediction Using Modulation Energies and LSTM-Network

B. Cauchi, K. Siedenburg, J. F. Santos, T. H. Falk, D. Doclo and S. Goetze; IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing; 0July / 2019

Transportation Mode Classification from Smartphone Sensors via a Long-short-term-memory Network

B. Friedrich, B. Cauchi, A. Hein and S. Fudickar; Proc. ACM International Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing; 0September / 2019

Connected Hearing Devices and Audiologists: The User-Centered Development of Digital Service Innovations

M. Luengen, C. Garrelfs, K. Adiloǧlu, M. Krueger, B. Cauchi, U. Markert, M. Typlt, M. Kinkel and C. Schultz; Frontiers in Digital Health; 0September / 2021

Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Lehrstuhl für Technologiemanagement
KIND Hörgeräte GmbH & Co. KG
audifon GmbH & Co. KG
Kompetenzzentrum HörTech gGmbH


Start: 31.07.2017
End: 30.07.2021

Website of project

Source of funding