Integrative Energy Management in the Distribution Grid

Nieße, Astrid and Lünsdorf, Ontje and Mayer, Christoph and Scherfke, Stefan and Schütte, Steffen and Tröschel, Martin and Wissing, Carsten and Sonnenschein, Michael
We present our ICT-based approach of an integrative energy management in the distribution grid aiming at a substitution of fossil generation capacities. Using the example of a strong wind power gradient, the potential of the following concepts to adapt to extreme load curves within short time is shown: a. Reactive scheduling of small-scale generation units b. Virtual Appliances for load shifting c. Load management of battery systems e.g. in Plug-in Electric Vehicles d. Dynamic product build-up in Virtual Power Plants The proposed elements of an integrative energy management work on different time scales: The scheduling of residential combined heat and power plants can lead to feed-in shifts of several hours, whereas load shifting with domestic appliances like refrigerators imply load shifting of less than an hour for a single device. These concepts have to be integrated to adapt local grid load curves to wind power feed-in characteristics.
12 / 2010
Forschungsverbund Energie Niedersachsen
Decentral energymanagement system
Integration der Elektromobilität in bestehende Energie- und Verkehrsnetze.(Sorry - only available in german!)