Cognitive Modelling of Pilot Errors and Error Recovery in Flight Management Tasks

Lüdtke, Andreas and Osterloh, Jan-Patrick and Mioch, Tina and Rister, Frank and Looije, Rosemarijn
Proceedings of the 7th Working Conference on Human Error, Safety and Systems Development Systems Development (HESSD)
This paper presents a cognitive modelling approach to predict pilot errors and error recovery during the interaction with aircraft cockpit systems. The model is able to execute flight procedures in a virtual simulation environment and to produce simulation traces. We present traces for the interaction with a future Flight Management System that show in detail the dependencies of two cognitive error production mechanisms that are integrated in the model: Learned Carelessness and Cognitive Lockup. The traces provide a basis for later comparison with human data in order to validate the model. The ultimate goal of the work is to apply the model within a method for the analysis of human errors to support human centred design of cockpit systems. As an example we analyze the perception of automatic flight mode changes.
10 / 2009
LNCS 5962
Model-based Analysis of Human errors during Aircraft Cockpit System Design
Jean Vanderdonckt, Philippe Palanque, Marco Winkler