An Approach Towards Service Infrastructure Optimization for Electromobility

Hoerstebrock, Tim and Hahn, Axel
Evolutionary Paths Towards the Mobility Patterns of the Future
Electric mobiles are one of many possible answers regarding the increasing costs of fossil fuels and carbon emission reduction targets. The main contraint is that the new technology must cover the users’ mobility needs which are still rising. Due to the technical restrictions of electric vehicles, a switch to electromobility is bound to the need for a sufficient charging infrastructure taking into account current and future mobility behavior as well as the characteristics of electric vehicles. This paper explains a methodology to design and assess the charging infrastructure layout without having a significant amount of electric vehicles available. This approach includes the use of the simulation tool TrIAS . The basis is a planning model that is able to represent concepts and parameters like users’ mobility patterns, regional street layout, available parking infrastructure as well as the e-car and its technical characteristics like range or battery capacity itself. This model is the input for a simulation-based analysis. The approach is applied in the region Bremen/Oldenburg to analyze the requirements towards a sufficient charg-ing infrastructure for electric vehicles.
12 / 2012
Personal Mobility Center (sorry - only available in German)
Neue Mobilität im ländlichen Raum (sorry - only available in German)
Hülsmann, Michael; Fornahl, Dirk

OFFIS Autoren