HITCH Healthcare Interoperability Testing and Conformance Harmonisation


With the beginning of 2010, the OFFIS health division started with the EU-funded project HITCH (Healthcare Interoperability Testing and Conformance Harmonisation), which aims at enhancing interoperability between information systems in health care. Together with partners from France (INRIA, ETSI, EuroRec), Belgium (IHE Europe) and Denmark (MedCom) as well as relevant stakeholders, OFFIS is working on a roadmap for a quality management system to establish a platform for interoperability and conformance testing in the area of health care.


Information and communicition technologies (ICT) play a key role in guaranteeing optimal health care for patients (eHealth). Because of the different sectors and care providerds involved in health care delivery, a seamless interoperability of all involved information systems is crucial. In order to achieve this goal, vendors, users, patients and authorities are in need of testing, certification and quality labeling tools for assuring quality of their information systems.

Combining Functional and Interoperability Testing - Results from the HITCH Project

Heidenreich, Georg and Onken, Michael and Parisot, Charles and Poiseau, Eric and Bruun-Rasmussen, Morten, Bourquard, Karima and Devlies, Jos; Tagungsband der eHealth2011: Health Informatics meets eHealth - von der Wissenschaft zur Anwendung und zurück; 005 / 2011

A Quality Management System for Interoperability Testing

Johansen, Ib and Bruun-Rasmussen, Morten and Bourquard, Karima and Poiseau, Eric and Zoric, Milan and Parisot, Charles and Onken, Michael; Proceedings of the MIE 2011 - European Federation for Medical Informatics; 008 / 2011

EuroRec Institute - European Institute for Health Records (France)
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute


Start: 01.01.2010
End: 30.06.2011