ExpertAzubi Initiating knowledge transfer between skilled workers and trainees, implementing a process of lifelong learning and improving training by using Web2.0 technologies


ExpertAzubi´s aim is using Web2.0 technologies to innovate the cooperation of vocational schools and companies in order to interlock teaching and learning objectives of both institutions and to enhance the relevance of school content during vocational training.

A knowledge transfer and dialogue should not only be initiated by a working process-based handling of the learning contents between skilled workers and trainees, but also be eased considerably. With expertAzubi, qualification and communication processes are formed and strengthened within the scope of the vocational training in order to reach a sustainable employability of trainees and skilled workers, and at the same time a process of the lifelong learning is initiated. By participating in the construction and by using expertAzubi´s environment, the partners are able to realise their working activity and are able to exchange knowledge and experiences with like-minded as well as performing all “formal” activities regarding education online.

In expertAzubi, OFFIS develops the Web2.0-platform and the core elements as well as concepts for content search and recommenders.


Multimedia Information Retrieval, Recommendersystem, Community Plattform

Towards recommender systems supporting knowledge sharing and transfer in vocational education and training

Kong, Xi and Boll, Susanne and Heuten, Wilko; Second International Conference on e-Learning and e-Technologies in Education (ICEEE); 01 / 2013

Intelligent search in learning communities

Kong, Xi and Grunwald, Renke and Boll, Susanne and Heuten, Wilko; Second International Conference on e-Learning and e-Technologies in Education (ICEEE); 01 / 2013

Centers of Competence e. V
Universität Bremen, TZI
Universität Bremen, ITB


Start: 31.10.2010
End: 30.10.2013