D-Flex Dezentral und zentral gesteuertes Energiemanagement auf Verteilnetzebene zur Systemintegration erneuerbarer Energien


The aim of D-Flex is to evaluate and compare the system integration of renewable energy through decentralized and centrally controlled load and generation management at the distribution system level. Based on these results social and political decision-makers are enabled to develop the framework for load and generation management approaches in distribution grids. Load management comprises the load shifting of commercial and domestic customers (demand side management) and smart charging of electric vehicles. Generation management involves both wind and photovoltaic systems and the control of combined heat-and-power plants (CHP). In addition, distribution grid restrictions (voltage levels, thermal restrictions etc.) that may restrict the degrees of freedom of both generation and load management are taken into account.


Koch, Matthias; Ritter, David; Bauknecht, Dierk; Heinemann, Christoph, Flachsbarth, Franziska; Vogel, Moritz; Gandor, Malin; Klingenberg, Thole; Tröschel, Martin; Mayer, Christoph; Sonnenschein, Michael (2016):  „Dezentral und zentral gesteuertes Energiemanagement auf Verteilnetzebene zur Systemintegration erneuerbarer Energien - Wissenschaftlicher Endbericht“, 29.02.2016, Oldenburg

Öko-Institut e.V.


Start: 01.03.2013
End: 28.02.2015

Source of funding