@misc{Kol2006, Author = {Kollmann, Steffen and Albers, Karsten and Bodmann, Frank and Slomka, Frank}, Title = {Modification of Event Streams for the Real-Time Analysis of Distributed Fixed-Priority Systems}, Year = {2006}, Month = {03}, Editor = {IEEE Computer Society}, Publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, Isbn = {0-7695-2546-6}, Booktitle = {IEEE Proceedings of the 13th Annual IEEE International Symposium and Workshop on Engineering of Computer Based Systems (ECBS ยด06)}, type = {misc}, note = {In this paper we present a real-time analysis for complex distributed systems. The event stream model describes the occurrences of events within arbitrary time intervals. We propose a method to explore the modi cation of these occurrences as the events ar}, Abstract = {In this paper we present a real-time analysis for complex distributed systems. The event stream model describes the occurrences of events within arbitrary time intervals. We propose a method to explore the modi cation of these occurrences as the events are processed within a complex task system. By observing the effects of several tasks competing for the same resource, additional insight can be won on the density of the events generated by the individual tasks.} } @COMMENT{Bibtex file generated on }