@inproceedings{Ama2024, Author = {Amanda Wein, Alexandro Steinert, Jan Sören Schwarz, Laura Fuentes-Grau, Zhiyu Pan, Antonello Monti, Astrid Nieße}, Title = {Developing Interoperable Ontologies for Research Data Management in the Energy Domain}, Year = {2024}, Url = {https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3882/emsusto-2.pdf}, type = {inproceedings}, Abstract = {[presented in the Emsusto workshop at FOIS 2024] Currently there is no general shared approach for research data management in the energy system research community, which hinders the reuse of data and software in this domain. The NFDI4Energy consortium is developing several ontologies for use in a research data management platform for energy system researchers. The planned domain ontology for energy system research will form the basis for multiple ontologies with more specialized focus areas; therefore, all specialized ontologies must be designed for interoperability with this domain ontology and with each other. This paper presents an overview of the first stages of the ontology development process, with a focus on the domain ontology. It describes the scope and purpose of this ontology and the methodology for its ongoing development. Requirements for the ontology are summarized, and guidance is provided for future ontology development in the energy domain.} } @COMMENT{Bibtex file generated on }