@inproceedings{J. 2016, Author = {J. E. Krauskopf, M. Bartenwerfer, S. Fatikow}, Title = {Modeling and compensating thermal drift in time divergent AFM measurements}, Year = {2016}, Pages = {1-6}, Publisher = {VDE}, Booktitle = {Micro-Nano-Integration; 6. GMM-Workshop}, Url = {https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7776070}, type = {inproceedings}, Abstract = {Thermal drift is a problem in imaging with atomic force microscopes. In this work we present an extension of the well known gradient-based methods for optical flow calculation, developed by Horn \& Schunk as well as Lucas \& Kanade. We also analyse different trajectories and evaluate their suitability for use with the aforementioned methods. As part of this theoretical work, we are able to show that the methods by Horn \& Schunk and Lucas \& Kanade are extendable to the thermal drift problem. Furthermore, we compare different standard trajectories with a self-developed evaluation system and propose a favourable trajectory for drift estimation and compensation.} } @COMMENT{Bibtex file generated on }