@inproceedings{App2007, Author = {Appell, J.E. and Hohmann, V. and Schulz, A. and Hein, A.}, Title = {Hearing at Home}, Year = {2007}, Pages = {629 - 630}, Month = {03}, Editor = {DEGA e.V.}, Publisher = {DEGA e.V.}, Address = {Berlin}, Booktitle = {Fortschritte der Akustik - - DAGA \ , 2007}, type = {inproceedings}, note = {Summary The Hearing at Home (HaH) project [1] focuses on the needs of the hearing impaired in home environments. Formerly separated devices like personal computer, HIFI-systems, TV, digital camera, telephone, fax, intercom and services like internet acces}, Abstract = {Summary The Hearing at Home (HaH) project [1] focuses on the needs of the hearing impaired in home environments. Formerly separated devices like personal computer, HIFI-systems, TV, digital camera, telephone, fax, intercom and services like internet access, VoIP, Personal Information Management (PIM), pay TV and home automation grow together to be accessible via a TV set connected to a PC or set-top box that implements interfaces to network gateways as well as to home automation scenarios. Thereby, the TV becomes the central Home Information and Communication (HIC) platform of the household linking together most of the acoustic inputs listened to by the hearing impaired in his home environment. The HIC platform to be researched and developed in the HaH project will support the hearing impaired with easy to fit Supportive Audio Signal Processing (SASP) and visual support for lip reading on the TV screen. HaH is an IST FP6-STREP project executed under the strategic objective Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) for the Ageing Society. Members of the Consortium are OFFIS (coordinator, Germany), KTH (Sweden), HörTech (Germany), Viataal (Netherlands), Telefonica I+D (Spain) and ProSyst (Germany). } } @COMMENT{Bibtex file generated on }