@inbook{sandau2021, Author = {Sandau, Alexander and Schering, Johannes and Rezaei, Ali Amin and Theesen, Cedrik and Marx Gómez, Jorge}, Title = {Mobility Platforms as a Key Element for Sustainable Mobility}, Year = {2021}, Pages = {137-156}, Publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, Booktitle = {Progress in Sustainable Mobility Research: Interdisciplinary Approaches for Rural Areas}, Doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-70841-2_8}, type = {inbook}, Abstract = {Transport causes negative impacts on people and the environment. Since the traffic volume will tend to increase rather than decrease, appropriate solutions are strongly needed. On the one hand, an efficient transport system that guarantees the smooth exchange of goods and services is a prerequisite for economic development and a central location factor. On the other hand, mobility is a basic need for individuals because it is a cornerstone of personal freedom and ensures prosperity and enables social participation. The formation of carpools can contribute to reducing the negative economic, social, and ecological effects. However, in rural areas the approach faces special challenges due to the mostly sparsely populated area. Information and communication technologies can provide important assistance in organizing carpools. The presented approach delivers a suitable system for introducing carpools as an attractive and sustainable supplementary alternative in rural areas.} } @COMMENT{Bibtex file generated on }