@inproceedings{A. 2022, Author = {A. F. McKinney and B. Cauchi}, Title = {Non-intrusive prediction of speech intelligibility for the first Clarity Prediction Challenge (CPC1)}, Year = {2022}, Booktitle = {Clarity Challenge}, Url = { https://claritychallenge.org/clarity2022-workshop/papers/Clarity_2022_CPC1_paper_mckinney.pdf}, type = {inproceedings}, Abstract = {Most existing speech intelligibility measures are either designed for single-channel applications – hence unsuited to evaluate hearing aid algorithms –or intrusive, applicable only in simulated scenarios in which the clean signal is available. Non- intrusive speech intelligibility measures able to reliably predict speech intelligibility without knowledge of the clean signal are urgently needed. This paper proposes a non-intrusive measure that predicts speech intelligibility using only the processed signals and audiogram of the listener as input. The proposed measure relies on three steps, namely a hearing-loss model, a feature extractor and a predicting function. The hearing loss model uses the target signal and the listener’s audiogram as input while the feature extractor and the predicting function are trained on processed signals labeled in terms of speech intelligibility during a listening test. The evaluation is conducted using cross- validation on both tracks of the first Clarity Prediction Challenge (CPC1).} } @COMMENT{Bibtex file generated on }