@inproceedings{Mar2007, Author = {Marko Hoyer, Domenik Helms, Wolfgang Nebel}, Title = {Modeling the Impact of High Level Leakage Optimization Techniques on the Delay of RT-Components. }, Year = {2007}, Pages = {171-180}, Publisher = {Springer}, Series = { Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS, volume 4644)}, Booktitle = {Integrated Circuit and System Design}, Doi = {ISBN 978-3-540-74441-2}, type = {inproceedings}, Abstract = {To adress the problem of static power consumption, approaches as ABB and AVS have been proposed to reduce runtime leakage in integrated circuits. Applying these techniques is a trade off between power and delay, which is best decided early in the design flow. Therefore high level power and delay estimation is needed. In our work, we present a fast RT Level delay macro model considering supply and bias voltages and temperature. Errors below 5% combined with only few characterization data enables this approach to be used by high level design tools to support leakage optimization by e.g. ABB and AVS.} } @COMMENT{Bibtex file generated on }