@inproceedings{goeringEtAl2017areferencearchitecture, Author = {Andre Goering, Juergen Meister, Sebastian Lehnhoff, Peter Herdt, Martin Jung, Matthias Rohr}, Title = {A Reference Architecture for open, maintainable and secure Software for the Operation of Energy Networks}, Year = {2017}, Pages = {1410-1413}, Month = {6}, Publisher = {CIRED}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 24th CIRED International Conference on Electricity Distribution}, Doi = {10.1049/oap-cired.2017.0965}, Url = {http://digital-library.theiet.org/docserver/fulltext/oap-cired/2017/1/OAP-CIRED.2017.0965.pdf?expires=1514886161\&id=id\&accname=guest\&checksum=E613E92068570F3EEDD9C5F37DA9C739}, type = {inproceedings}, Abstract = {Regulatory effects, business pressure, and the transformation to smart grids foster the need for up-to-date software systems for managing and operating the grid operators electric power grids. The complexity of these systems has grown over decades. This makes enhancements and development of new functionalities in existing systems cost intensive, vendor/system specific and often prevents meeting time to market and quality requirements. Public interfaces and open data formats allow the development of enhancements and new functionality as re-usable modules by 3rd parties, thus enable the integration of best-of-breed systems in the system landscape at grid operators. A reduction of system complexity is a precondition to develop such re-usable modules while meeting time to market and quality requirements in critical infrastructure. This is accomplished by defining a reference architecture with a common architecture framework, common processes and quality standards.} } @COMMENT{Bibtex file generated on }