@inproceedings{Mar2016, Author = {Marie van Amelsvoort, Mathias Uslar}, Title = {Evaluation of Communication-Interoperability in Smart Grids}, Year = {2016}, Month = {11}, Editor = {VDE e.V.}, Booktitle = {VDE-Kongress 2016 - Internet der Dinge}, type = {inproceedings}, note = {Communication links play a vital role in smart grids. They are used frequently and connect various devices to each other. Therefore, the interoperability of communication is a big concern. To evaluate the interoperability of communication in smart grids, }, Abstract = {Communication links play a vital role in smart grids. They are used frequently and connect various devices to each other. Therefore, the interoperability of communication is a big concern. To evaluate the interoperability of communication in smart grids, an existing approach that was developed in another context is taken into consideration: The Interoperability Score from Ford et al.. In this paper, we check whether this Interoperability Score is applicable for smart grid purposes and where and how it can be adjusted to meet the smart grid related requirements from a system-of-systems perspective.} } @COMMENT{Bibtex file generated on }