@inproceedings{MFF2015, Author = {Müllner, Nils and Fränzle, Martin and Fröschle, Sibylle}, Title = {Estimating the Probability of a Timely Traffic-Hazard Warning via Simulation}, Year = {2015}, Month = {01}, Publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press}, Address = {Washington DC, USA}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 48th Annual Symposium on Simulation (AnSS2015)}, type = {inproceedings}, note = {Traffic flow simulation is exploited for estimating the probability that a message -, a hazard warning in this case ,- is correctly transmitted to an approaching car in time, that is, before overstepping a safety threshold. The results derived by simulati}, Abstract = {Traffic flow simulation is exploited for estimating the probability that a message -\, a hazard warning in this case \,- is correctly transmitted to an approaching car in time, that is, before overstepping a safety threshold. The results derived by simulation provide valuable insights in the functional relation between the numerous authoritative parameters and the reliability of timely message reception.} } @COMMENT{Bibtex file generated on }