@inproceedings{boeschen2015, Author = {Martin Böschen and Christian Rudat}, Title = {Tracing of Informal and Formal Requirements through Model Variables - SKY 2015 Challenge}, Year = {2015}, Pages = {58-63}, Editor = {Iaakov Exman and Juan Llorens and Anabel Fraga}, Publisher = {SCITEPRESS}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of SKY 2015 - 6th International Workshop on Software Knowledge}, Doi = {10.5220/0005732300540059}, type = {inproceedings}, note = {We describe a particular notion of traceability, namely the traceability between model variables and text pas- sages in an informal requirement. We discuss why this is a useful concept, as it establishes a natural connection between formal and informal re}, Abstract = {We describe a particular notion of traceability, namely the traceability between model variables and text pas- sages in an informal requirement. We discuss why this is a useful concept, as it establishes a natural connection between formal and informal requirements. We describe a tool and an algorithm which establishes this trace- ability in a semi-automated way. The algorithm makes suggestions based on textual and semantic similarities.} } @COMMENT{Bibtex file generated on }