@inproceedings{Cor2014, Author = {Cornelius Steinbrink}, Title = {Uncertainty Quantification in Smart Grid Co-simulation Across Heterogeneous Model Domains}, Year = {2014}, Month = {8}, Booktitle = {DCSIMULTECH - 4th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (Doctoral Consortium)}, Organization = {INSTICC}, type = {inproceedings}, note = {Smart Grids are complex systems that require systematic testing of the single components and their interaction on various scales. The Smart Energy Simulation and Automation Laboratory (SESA-Lab) is a flexible testing environment that supports modular int}, Abstract = {Smart Grids are complex systems that require systematic testing of the single components and their interaction on various scales. The Smart Energy Simulation and Automation Laboratory (SESA-Lab) is a flexible testing environment that supports modular interaction between hardware and software based simulation. Its core is the real-time dynamic simulator eMEGAsim coupled with the modular Smart Grid simulation framework mosaik. The outlined PhD project aims at improving this coupling by increasing the accuracy of the data exchange and setting up a system for uncertainty quantification.} } @COMMENT{Bibtex file generated on }