@inproceedings{Ral2016, Author = {Ralph Görgen and Kim Grüttner and Fernando Herrera and Pablo Penil and Julio Medina and Eugenio Villar and Gianluca Palermo and William Fornaciari and Carlo Brandolese and Davide Gadioli and Sara Bocchio and Luca Ceva and Paolo Azzoni and Massimo Poncino and Sara Vinco and Enrico Macii and Salvatore Cusenza and John Favaro and Raul Valencia and Ingo Sander and Kathrin Rosvall and Davide Quaglia}, Title = {CONTREX: Design of embedded mixed-criticality CONTRol systems under consideration of EXtra-functional properties}, Year = {2016}, Month = {8}, Booktitle = {Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD)}, type = {inproceedings}, note = {The increasing processing power of today’s HW/SW platforms leads to the integration of more and more functions in a single device. Additional design challenges arise when these functions share computing resources and belong to different criticality level}, Abstract = {The increasing processing power of today’s HW/SW platforms leads to the integration of more and more functions in a single device. Additional design challenges arise when these functions share computing resources and belong to different criticality levels. The paper presents the CONTREX European project and its preliminary results. CONTREX complements current activities in the area of predictable computing platforms and segregation mechanisms with techniques to consider the extra-functional properties, i.e., timing constraints, power, and temperature. CONTREX enables energy efficient and cost aware design through analysis and optimization of these properties with regard to application demands at different criticality levels.} } @COMMENT{Bibtex file generated on }