@inproceedings{Feuerstack2010b, Author = {Sebastian Feuerstack}, Title = {An Interactive Dialogue Modelling Editor for Designing Multimodal Applications}, Year = {2010}, Pages = {pages 257-258}, Address = {S�o Carlos - S�o Paulo, Brazil}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Design of Communication (ACM SIGDOC'10)}, type = {inproceedings}, note = {This poster presents initial results of an approach for (1) designing and implementing a dialogue modelling editor to enable the design of multimodal applications, that (2) supports the design for various multimodal setups and that (3) is specifically tar}, Abstract = {This poster presents initial results of an approach for (1) designing and implementing a dialogue modelling editor to enable the design of multimodal applications, that (2) supports the design for various multimodal setups and that (3) is specifically targeted to be used by interaction designers.} } @COMMENT{Bibtex file generated on }