@inproceedings{Suh2013, Author = {Suhr, André and Rosinger, Christine and Honecker, Hans}, Title = {System Design and Architecture - Essential Functional Requirements vs. ICT Security in the energy domain}, Year = {2013}, Month = {11}, Organization = {VDE}, type = {inproceedings}, note = {This article is intended to explain the interdependence of basic requirements for the electricity supply system and con-siderations of ICT security of dedicated subsystems of a smart energy system. Also considered is the particular role of fundamental dec}, Abstract = {This article is intended to explain the interdependence of basic requirements for the electricity supply system and con-siderations of ICT security of dedicated subsystems of a smart energy system. Also considered is the particular role of fundamental decisions for the general architecture and the system design. Examples will be used for the description. In Germany as well as in Europe and the international expert community, due to the faster than ever growing complexity of energy and especially electricity supply systems an interdisciplinary approach is essential that integrates ICT security with requirements for robustness and resilience as early as in the architectural and system design phase. All authors are members of DKE/AK 925.0.15 „IT-Sicherheit in der Netzleittechnik“, inter alia acting as German mirror Committee to IEC TC 57 working group 15. DKE/AK 952.0.15 also maintains some standards and good practice doc-uments relevant in this context as the ISO/IEC TR 27019 (based on German DIN SPEC 27009) and the BDEW White Paper “Requirements for Secure Control and Telecommunication Systems”. } } @COMMENT{Bibtex file generated on }