@inproceedings{iscug2013:keynote, Author = {Hartmann, Philipp A.}, Title = {Beyond algorithms and performance: Modelling extra-functional properties in SystemC - Keynote}, Year = {2013}, Month = {04}, Series = {ISCUG'2013}, Booktitle = {Indian SystemC User's Group Conference}, Url = {https://complex.offis.de/documents/doc_details/45}, type = {inproceedings}, note = {SystemC and TLM-2.0 based ESL methodologies are widely used for early application, platform, and performance analysis already. But the consideration of an embedded device's power consumption and its management is increasingly important nowadays, not only }, Abstract = {SystemC and TLM-2.0 based ESL methodologies are widely used for early application, platform, and performance analysis already. But the consideration of an embedded device's power consumption and its management is increasingly important nowadays, not only for mobile devices. Currently, it is not equally easily possible to integrate such extra-functional information at electronic system-level. In this talk, the design challenges of today's heterogeneous HW/SW systems regarding power and complexity, both for platform vendors as well as system integrators are discussed. Existing and new approaches for system-level timing and power estimation techniques, as well as their efficient integration into SystemC/TLM virtual prototypes are presented. To enable interoperability beyond timing and functionality, the need for future standardization efforts in the area of extra-functional properties is motivated. } } @COMMENT{Bibtex file generated on }