@misc{Har2011, Author = {Hartmann, Philipp A.}, Title = {sc_vector\<T\> Container and the IEEE P1666-2011 SystemC Standard}, Year = {2011}, Month = {03}, type = {misc}, note = { In many designs, a parametrisable number of modules, channels, ports, or other SystemC objects are used. Since such SystemC objects are usually named entities in the hierarchy, it is either required (in case of modules), or at least desired to pass a n}, Abstract = { In many designs, a parametrisable number of modules, channels, ports, or other SystemC objects are used. Since such SystemC objects are usually named entities in the hierarchy, it is either required (in case of modules), or at least desired to pass a name parameter to the constructor of such objects. In this talk, an introduction to the convenience container called sc_vector\<T\> for collections of such objects is given, which will is part of the upcoming IEEE P1666-2011 SystemC standard to lift this burden.} } @COMMENT{Bibtex file generated on }