@inproceedings{Sch2011, Author = {Schütte, Steffen}, Title = {Composition of Simulations for the Analysis of Smart Grid Scenarios}, Year = {2011}, Month = {12}, type = {inproceedings}, note = { In this paper the need for a modular Smart Grid simulation framework is motivated. This framework has to allow the automatic composition of existing simulation models for the evaluation of control strategies. Domain specific requirements for this appr}, Abstract = { In this paper the need for a modular Smart Grid simulation framework is motivated. This framework has to allow the automatic composition of existing simulation models for the evaluation of control strategies. Domain specific requirements for this approach are discussed. Based on reference models from literature, a layered approach for solving the composition problem is presented. It breaks down the problem into a syntactical, semantical and a scenario layer, for each of which basic concepts for solving the problem are presented.} } @COMMENT{Bibtex file generated on }