@inproceedings{Sch2011, Author = {Schütte, Steffen and Scherfke, Stefan and Tröschel, Martin}, Title = {Mosaik: A Framework for Modular Simulation of Active Components in Smart Grids}, Year = {2011}, Month = {12}, Organization = {IEEE}, type = {inproceedings}, note = {This paper presents the requirements and a concept for a modular Smart Grid simulation framework based on an automatic composition of existing, heterogeneous simulation models. The composition problem is broken down into different layers, for eac}, Abstract = {This paper presents the requirements and a concept for a modular Smart Grid simulation framework based on an automatic composition of existing, heterogeneous simulation models. The composition problem is broken down into different layers, for each of which first concepts for solving the problem are presented. A prototype showing the feasibility of the presented concept has been developed. First simulation results of a Smart Grid scenario including electric vehicles as well as renewable energy sources are presented. Finally, the limitations of the prototype and possible improvements are discussed.} } @COMMENT{Bibtex file generated on }