@inproceedings{Pos2011, Author = {Postina, Matthias and Uslar, Mathias and Rohjans, Sebastian and Steffens, Ulrike }, Title = {Coping with Smart Grid - Standardization and Enterprise Architecture at your Service}, Year = {2011}, Pages = {37 - 45}, Month = {07}, Editor = {Martin Zelm, Marten van Sinderen, Guy Doumeingts, Pontus Johnson}, Publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons, ISTE}, Isbn = {978-1-84821-317-3}, Booktitle = {Enterprise Interoperability - Proceedings of the Workshops of the third International IFIP Working Conference IWEI 2011}, type = {inproceedings}, note = {This paper shows how bene cial a close collaboration between Standardization and Enterprise Architecture can be in terms of the future Smart Grid IT architecture. We motivate the current trends in ICT for Smart Grids and bring in existing EA approaches}, Abstract = {This paper shows how bene cial a close collaboration between Standardization and Enterprise Architecture can be in terms of the future Smart Grid IT architecture. We motivate the current trends in ICT for Smart Grids and bring in existing EA approaches and architectures from other domains. Starting with the IEC 62357 Seamless Integration Architecture, we identify ve key issues to cope with Smart Grid challenges.} } @COMMENT{Bibtex file generated on }