@inbook{Huh2010, Author = {Huhn, Michaela and Hungar, Hardi}, Title = {UML for Software Safety and Certification: Model-Based Development of Safety-critical Software-Intensive Systems}, Year = {2010}, Pages = {201-237}, Month = {09}, Editor = {Giese, Holger; Karsai, Gabor; Lee, Edward; Schätz, Bernhard}, Publisher = {Springer}, Series = {LNCS 6100}, Address = {Berlin Heidelberg}, Booktitle = {Model-Based Engineering of Embedded Real-Time Systems}, type = {inbook}, note = {With the proliferation of UML in the development of embedded real-time systems, the interest in methods and techniques integrating safety aspects into a UML-based software and system development process has increased. This chapter provides a survey on rel}, Abstract = {With the proliferation of UML in the development of embedded real-time systems, the interest in methods and techniques integrating safety aspects into a UML-based software and system development process has increased. This chapter provides a survey on relevant UML profiles and dialects as well as on design and verification methods and process issues supporting a safety assessment. These subjects are discussed in the light of norms and standards on software development for safety-critical systems.} } @COMMENT{Bibtex file generated on }