@article{Mis2008, Author = {Mistrzyk T., Szwillus G.}, Title = {Modellierung sicherheitskritischer Kommunikation in Aufgabenmodellen}, Year = {2008}, Pages = {39-43}, Month = {03}, Publisher = {Oldenburg Wissenschaftsverlag}, Edition = {1/2008}, Isbn = {1618-162X}, Booktitle = {Zeitschrift für interaktive Medien, i-com}, type = {article}, note = {Specifying task models of socio-technical systems is especially relevant when safety-critical processes and systems are concerned. It has been found that communication in safety-critical socio-technical systems is a major root for critical incidents and}, Abstract = {Specifying task models of socio-technical systems is especially relevant when safety-critical processes and systems are concerned. It has been found that communication in safety-critical socio-technical systems is a major root for critical incidents and accidents. In a recent project we created a task modelling environment taking into account the special needs for this type of systems. The model allows the specification of risk assessment factors, barriers and the information flow between tasks. In this paper we present the approach with special emphasis on the specification of communication within the model. We show how communication can be made an explicit concept necessary for the successful execution of co-operative tasks and discuss the integration of communication into the framework of task decomposition.} } @COMMENT{Bibtex file generated on }