@article{Bee2010, Author = {Beer, Sebastian and Rüttinger, Hannes and Bischofs, Ludger and Appelrath, H.-Jürgen}, Title = {Towards a Reference Architecture for Regional Electricity Markets}, Year = {2010}, Month = {03}, Publisher = {Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag}, Edition = {52 (2010) 2}, Booktitle = {it - Information Technology}, type = {article}, note = {In the last few years, driving forces like political legislation, an increased use of renewable energy sources and a growing ecological awareness resulted in an advanced integration of distributed energy resources in the public power grid. The resulting c}, Abstract = {In the last few years, driving forces like political legislation, an increased use of renewable energy sources and a growing ecological awareness resulted in an advanced integration of distributed energy resources in the public power grid. The resulting change towards a decentralised power supply is expected to further continue in the coming years and requires a reorganization of the conventional market structures in order to meet the challenges as well as to exploit the potentials resulting from the new situation. In the following work we present a reference architecture for regional electricity markets which addresses this very issue. Besides a description of the general market design, a more detailed view of selected market players is provided.} } @COMMENT{Bibtex file generated on }