@inproceedings{Mat2014, Author = {Mathias Uslar, Christine Rosinger und Stefanie Schlegel}, Title = {Security by Design for the Smart Grid: Combining the SGAM and NISTIR 7628}, Year = {2014}, Pages = {110-115}, Month = {7}, Publisher = {IEEE }, Booktitle = {2014 IEEE 38th Annual International Computers, Software and Applications Conference Workshops}, type = {inproceedings}, note = {Within this contribution, a first approach of using the European Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM) in the context with the NISTIR 7628 is presented. Research in the current state of the art has shown that both models and methodologies have their parti}, Abstract = {Within this contribution, a first approach of using the European Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM) in the context with the NISTIR 7628 is presented. Research in the current state of the art has shown that both models and methodologies have their particular impact, but have not yet been put into a mutual context. Another reason combining these models is the possibility for US smart grid experts to reuse the SGAM model and its benefits, and vice versa encourage the European stakeholders to use the particularly useful security analysis framework from NIST. Within this paper, we briefly introduce both methodologies, their strengths and fallbacks, and outline the very necessity to make them interoperable and, therefore, aligning them. Finally, the logical interfaces framework from NISTIR 7628 is mapped onto the SGAM and its planes, domains and zones, bridging the gap for the experts for security analyses.} } @COMMENT{Bibtex file generated on }