@inproceedings{ALDcogsima15, Author = {Fortmann, Florian and Müller, Heiko and Lüdtke, Andreas and Boll, Susanne}, Title = {Expert-based Design and Evaluation of an Ambient Light Display to Improve Monitoring Performance during Multi-UAV Supervisory Control}, Year = {2015}, Month = {2}, Publisher = {IEEE}, Booktitle = {Proc. of CogSIMA'15}, type = {inproceedings}, note = {In complex supervisory control settings, inadequate monitoring behavior is a substantial source of human error and a risk factor threatening human life and the environment. In this paper, we present a problem-oriented approach to support a commander super}, Abstract = {In complex supervisory control settings, inadequate monitoring behavior is a substantial source of human error and a risk factor threatening human life and the environment. In this paper, we present a problem-oriented approach to support a commander supervising multiple highly-automated unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) to perform adequate monitoring behavior. Our approach utilizes an ambient light display (ALD) to continuously externalize the commander's monitoring performance using ambient visual cues in the peripheral field. We designed and evaluated our prototype with experts. First, we performed a workshop with 4 experts in our lab in order to discuss our monitoring behavior assessment approach, and to design light patterns, which are suitable to convey feedback on monitoring behavior. The experts were knowledgeable in usability engineering, ambient light displays, human visual perception, and unmanned aviation. Second, we installed the prototype in the lab of a leading German UAV manufacturer and performed an evaluation with 3 UAV experts. Our results indicate that our prototype can support adequate monitoring behavior of a commander supervising multiple UAVs, and does not affect workload.} } @COMMENT{Bibtex file generated on }