@inproceedings{Rad1999, Author = {Radetzki, Martin and Nebel, Wolfgang}, Title = {Synthesis of hardware structures from object-oriented models}, Year = {1999}, Month = {01}, Organization = {8th International Symposium on Integrated Circuits, Devices and Systems (ISIC)}, type = {inproceedings}, note = {Object-oriented specification and design of systems can contribute to closing the design productivity gap. Whereas simulation of such models and software synthesis are easier to achieve, it is not clear if and under what restrictions hardware synthesis is}, Abstract = {Object-oriented specification and design of systems can contribute to closing the design productivity gap. Whereas simulation of such models and software synthesis are easier to achieve, it is not clear if and under what restrictions hardware synthesis is possible. Our contribution with this paper is to develop concepts for high-level synthesis techniques by which a system comprised of objects can be implemented (partly) in hardware. The formulation is independent of a spe-cific object-oriented language used for system specification. It is backed by experiments using Objective VHDL, an object-oriented variant of VHDL, and a translation tool creating behavioral level standard VHDL for further processing by high-level synthesizers.} } @COMMENT{Bibtex file generated on }