@inproceedings{Fü2004, Author = {Füllscher, Heiko and Thieme, Sabine and Baldzer, Jörg and Kopetzki, Sven and Krösche, Jens and Meyer, Jochen and Schaeffer, Michael and Schiek, Ulrich and Unruh, Claus and Wingbermühle, Jochen}, Title = {Der Mobile Persönliche Kommunikationsassistent: Ein Technologiedemonstrator des Niccimon-Projekts}, Year = {2004}, Pages = {75-89}, Month = {03}, Address = {Brunswick, Germany}, Booktitle = {Informationssysteme für mobile Anwendungen IMA 2002}, type = {inproceedings} } @COMMENT{Bibtex file generated on }