@inproceedings{Sar2003, Author = {Sarker, Bodhisatya and Nebel, Wolfgang and Schulte, Milan}, Title = {Low Power Optimisation techniques in Overlapp Add algorithm}, Year = {2003}, Month = {08}, Booktitle = {Tagungsband (CCCT'03)}, Organization = {International Conference on Computer, Communication and Control Technologies (CCCT '03) and the 9th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis (ISAS'03), Orlando / USA}, type = {inproceedings}, note = {This paper presents a quantitative overview of the effects of loop transformations at the system level. We have implemented the loop transformation in the Overlap Add algorithm (one the basic hearing aid algorithms) and analyzed the effect of these transf}, Abstract = {This paper presents a quantitative overview of the effects of loop transformations at the system level. We have implemented the loop transformation in the Overlap Add algorithm (one the basic hearing aid algorithms) and analyzed the effect of these transformations on the power consumption. We have shown successfully the effects of loops transformation leading to sizeable reduction in power consumption. Further, it opened up the possibility to reduce switching activity . All the power analysis at the very system level was possible with our in-house system level power analysis tool ORINOCO. We have chose a basic hearing aid algorithm because hearing aids are one of the most low power conscious systems. Because of the constraints coming from the battery run wearable systems, hearing aid lies one of the foremost challenges in the low power design arena. Due to increasing challenges in the design of hearing aids, because of listening comfort, feedback control, elimination of occlusion, and flexibility to adjust to the wearer's needs, the complexity in the design of hearing aids are increasing, low power optimizations are more important to these systems.} } @COMMENT{Bibtex file generated on }