@inproceedings{Bö2006, Author = {Böde, Eckard and Damm, Werner and Hoyem, Jarl and Josko, Bernhard and Niehaus, Jürgen and Segelken, Marc}, Title = {Adding Value to Automotive Models}, Year = {2006}, Pages = {86-102}, Month = {01}, Editor = {Springer-Verlag}, Publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, Series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4147}, Address = {Berlin, Heidelberg}, Isbn = {978-3-540-37677-4}, Booktitle = {Automotive Software - Connected Services in Mobile Networks. First Automotive Software Workshop, ASWSD 2004, San Diego, CA, USA, January 10-12, 2004,}, Organization = {ARTIST and NSF Workshop on Automotive Software Development}, type = {inproceedings} } @COMMENT{Bibtex file generated on }