@inproceedings{Feuerstack2011c, Author = {Sebastian Feuerstack and Mauro Dos Santos Anjo and Jessica Colnago and Ednaldo Pizzolato}, Title = {Modelling of User Interfaces based on State-Charts to Ease the Test and Evaluation of Multimodal Interactions}, Year = {2011}, Number = {192}, Pages = {294}, Month = {4}, Editor = {Hans-Ulrich Hei�, Peter Pepper and Holger Schlingloff, J�rg Schneider}, Address = {Berlin}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of INFORMATIK 2011}, type = {inproceedings}, note = {New forms of interactions such as the gesture-based control of interfaces could enable interaction in situations where hardware controls are missing and support impaired people where other controls fails. The rich spectrum of combining hand pos- tures wit}, Abstract = {New forms of interactions such as the gesture-based control of interfaces could enable interaction in situations where hardware controls are missing and support impaired people where other controls fails. The rich spectrum of combining hand pos- tures with movements offers great interaction possibilities but requires extensive user testing to figure out a user interface navigation control with a sufficient performance and a low error rate. In this paper we describe a model-based interface design based on assembling in- teractors and multimodal mappings to design multimodal interfaces. We propose to use state charts for the rapid generation of different user interface controls to acceler- ate user testing. First we describe how our approach can be applied to design direct manipulation interfaces that rely on a mouse-based interface control. Then we present how we applied the interactor based design to quickly generate several variants of a gesture-based interface navigation control to demonstrate our approach. We compare the three most promising variants in a user test and report about the test results.} } @COMMENT{Bibtex file generated on }