@conference{Joh2022, Author = {Johann Schütz, Jorge Marx Gómez}, Title = {A Brief Introduction into (De-)Coupling Lifecycles in Net-Centric Systems-of-Systems}, Year = {2022}, Month = {11}, Publisher = {Springer}, Booktitle = {Advances, Trends and Applications in Embedded and Mobile Systems}, Organization = {1st International Conference on Technological Advancement in Embedded and Mobile Systems (ICTA-EMoS)}, type = {conference}, Abstract = {The future viability of artificially engineered systems are significantly influ-enced by their ability to evolve – their evolvability. Evolvability itself can be regarded as the long-term ability of an architecture to adapt to change over time. How time and cost intensive such adaptations are, however, is signifi-cantly determined by the overall architecture or design of the respective sys-tem. As (historically grown) isolated infrastructures coalesce within emerging areas / domains into collaborative Systems-of-Systems (SoS), new higher-level structures are created. If the manifold solutions of the heterogeneous CS are developed in parallel and not viewed from a holistic point of view, innovations emerge locally and uncoordinated resulting in an unmasterable complexity of the overall architecture – unwanted dependencies with a mul-titude of undesirable side effects for both the SoS as well as the CS are the inevitable consequence. As a result, the necessity arises to consider the re-sulting structures / architecture as a whole, instead of the individual compo-nents on their own. This contribution investigates how such dependencies arise and how they can be prevented.} } @COMMENT{Bibtex file generated on }