@conference{RSE_PowerTech2021, Author = {Batoul Hage Hassan, Anand Narayan, Davood Babazadeh, Marcel Klaes, Sebastian Lehnhoff}, Title = {Performance Assessment of State Estimation in Cyber-Physical Energy Systems}, Year = {2021}, Booktitle = {PowerTech 2021}, Organization = {IEEE}, type = {conference}, Abstract = {In addition to various advantages, the strong in- teraction between power systems and Information and Com- munication Technologies (ICT) makes Cyber-Physical Energy Systems susceptible to new disturbances. State estimation (SE) is a vital part of the energy management system, for several other monitoring, management, and control services. Failure of state estimation leads to loss of situational awareness, which in turn has a detrimental impact on the grid operation. Therefore, it is essential to monitor the performance of state estimation consid- ering various disturbances. This paper presents a model to assess the performance of the SE service by taking into consideration its requirements from both power and ICT domains. Following a review of existing approaches for performance assessment of the SE service in Smart Grids, a detailed description of the proposed model including its elements, metrics, and states is provided. The model is then evaluated using different scenarios considering the CIGRE MV benchmark grid.} } @COMMENT{Bibtex file generated on }