@inproceedings{Blumendorf2006, Author = {Marco Blumendorf and Sebastian Feuerstack and Sahin Albayrak}, Title = {Event-based Synchronization of Model-Based Multimodal User Interfaces}, Year = {2006}, Editor = {Andreas Pleuss and Jan Van den Bergh and Heinrich Hussmann and Stefan Sauer and Alexander Boedcher}, Publisher = {CEUR-WS.org}, Booktitle = {MDDAUI '06 - Model Driven Development of Advanced User Interfaces 2006}, type = {inproceedings}, note = {in his daily life, moving interaction with computers from a single system to a complex, distributed environment. User interfaces available in this environment need to adapt to the specifics of the various available devices and are distributed across sever}, Abstract = {in his daily life, moving interaction with computers from a single system to a complex, distributed environment. User interfaces available in this environment need to adapt to the specifics of the various available devices and are distributed across several devices at the same time. A problem arising with distributed user interfaces is the required synchronization of the different parts. In this paper we present an approach allowing the event-based synchronization of distributed user interfaces based on a multi-level user interface model. We also describe a runtime system we created, allowing the execution of model-based user interface descriptions and the distribution of user interfaces across various devices and modalities using channels established between the system and the end devices.} } @COMMENT{Bibtex file generated on }