@conference{Hah2013, Author = {Hahn, Axel and Lüdtke, Andreas and Sobiech, Cilli}, Title = {Safe Human Machine Interaction in Bridge Design}, Year = {2013}, Pages = {7-8}, Month = {3}, Editor = {Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA)}, Publisher = {Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA)}, Howpublished = {Workshop Report e-Navigation Usability Workshop 2013}, Booktitle = {Workshop Report e-Navigation Usability Workshop 2013}, Organization = {Australian Maritime College (AMC)}, Url = {http://www.amsa.gov.au/community/events-and-conferences/documents/Report-enav-usability-workshop.pdf}, type = {conference}, note = {The design of human machine interaction in modern ship bridges has a significant impact on the safety of seafaring. There is a direct impact on the capability of the nautical personnel to efficiently recognize the situation and to decide correctly. Consid}, Abstract = {The design of human machine interaction in modern ship bridges has a significant impact on the safety of seafaring. There is a direct impact on the capability of the nautical personnel to efficiently recognize the situation and to decide correctly. Consideration of efficiency and safety in early design phases of bridge equipment will improve the engineering processes in order to reduce design errors. Model driven technology development is one option for efficient design of technical systems that proves as a powerful tool getting popular due to the reusability of the models in verification, code generation etc. and leads to efficient processes. Based on former research on system engineering and human machine interaction risks assessments using cognitive simulation this paper presents an integrated model based approach for analysis of human machine interactions. It combines technical, process and cognitive models for simulation based efficiency and risk assessment in bridge design. } } @COMMENT{Bibtex file generated on }