@inproceedings{Wor2012, Author = {Workowski, Anke and Busch, Clemens and Hoffmann, Jan-Dirk and Müller, Frerk and Dohndorf, Oliver and Willemsen, Detlev and Stewing, Franz-Josef and Eichelberg, Marco and Krumm, Heiko}, Title = {Acceptance of telemonitoring in cardiology secondary prevention - evaluation results of the research project OSAmI Commons }, Year = {2012}, Pages = {8-9}, Month = {12}, Publisher = {Royal Society of Medicine}, Address = {London}, Booktitle = {Proceedings eHealth \& Telemedicine 2012 - 3 million and rising: Integrating care, mainstreaming technology}, type = {inproceedings} } @COMMENT{Bibtex file generated on }